Chapter 6

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(A/n: This chapter is just a filler. It was made merely for dramatic effect or something. I do recommend reading it, but it is kinda boring and weird. When I finish with the story, I will probably change it up to make it more exciting. For now, it will remain the same.)

Kwazii and the Captain stayed in the kitchen for a while, just chatting. Peso didn't really realize; he was too busy looking through his medical stuff to realize. After a bit of time, Kwazii ended up falling asleep while listening to the captain's voice. The cat found it soothing. He looked up at Kwazii and realized he was asleep; all he did was smile at the cat. Barnacles stood up and walked to the other side of the table, Aka the side Kwazii was on, and picked him up bridal style. He jumped down the tube, somehow still not waking him up. 'Damn, he sure lives up to the name of being a cat' the captain thought as he walked past the Sick Bay. The doors opened sensing the captain. He walked in and set Kwazii on the bed.

"Oh, is he okay?" Peso asked, kinda worried.

"He's fine, just fell asleep while we were talking"

"Okay! Also, I heard that we're moving the Octopod? Where are we going?"

"We are headed to the Indian Ocean first thing in the morning."

"Okay, Captain. You better get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you." They both smiled. "Also, if you don't mind can you take Kwazii to his room? I know it's right next to yours."

"Ofcourse I can take him. I don't mind." He picked Kwazii back up and started to walk towards the door. "Oh, and Peso. You should go to bed soon. It's not good to stay up all night."

"I'm finishing up right now, I should be done in 10-15 minutes." The Captain nodded his head okay. He continued walking out and to his and Kwazii's rooms. Once he got to their rooms he went into Kwazii's first and laid him down in his bed. He took a chance and kissed Kwazii's head goodnight.

"Goodnight Kwazii." He whispered before walking out his door, then into his own. He thought he heard something but brushed it off. What he didn't know is that Kwazii had whispered Goodnight back.

•To the middle of the next day

"Yawr, Mateys!" Kwazii yelled feeling like his old self again. Tweak just laughed while Dashi said;

"Good to see you're feeling better Kwazii!"

"It was so boring laying in bed all day!" Kwazii whined.

"I bet" Barnacles spoke up.

"Kwazii, you wrecked your gup on your little adventure. But I'm glad you are okay." Tweak said.

"SHES RUINED?!" Kwazii said putting a pout on his face. No one could tell if it was fake or not. His tail curled to the front of him, and he held it in his paws. He put his ears down to the side of his head, while forcing some tears out. Tweak sighed.

"She was ruined, I fixed it for you though." Tweak smiled at him. Kwazii ran over to her and hugged her, his ears back up and his tail back behind him.

"Aye, Thank you." He said happy. The Captain was watching.

'What's this weird feeling?' He whispered to himself.

"That'd be jealousy" Shellington whispered to him, scaring him in the process. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" Shellington said a bit loud, guilt filling his voice. Barnacles let out a chuckle before telling him it was fine.

Hours pass and those hours have been as normal as the Octonauts can be. Kwazii was more hyper than usual, he's been in bed for a while so everyone understands whys he's so hyper. Soon night came once again and Dashi stopped the Octopod in the North Pasific Ocean, so everyone could rest for the night.

(Thats how this story started 🥲)

They stopped somewhat close to a beach. Everyone went to bed and slep peacefully. Kwazii woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare. This time he decided not to go on a drive but decided to go for a small swim to the beach.
(Why's he keep doing this?!)
He snuck out and made it to the beach decently fast. He hot on the shore and instantly recognized it. But he also heard a voice that he recognized, but not from this island. He snuck up towards the voices. He hid behind a tree and listened to them.

"Have you seen him?"

"No, we haven't seen him for awhile"

"But you've seen him before?"

"Yes! Him and his friends helped us when Clam, Clive, and Clarence got thrown out to sea!" A female voice says. Kwazii kept listening while they kept talking. After a while Kwazii felt a hard pain on his tail.

"YEOW" He yelled while jumping away, and into the open. He looked at where he was standing to see little Clarence, The coconut crab. He looked in front of him and saw that everyone he was listening to saw him. He smiled awkwardly, before his smile dropped after seeing someone.

"Yawr, Kwazii?" He spoke.

"Calico Jack?" Kwazii said under his breath, in shock.

"Oh, come give your grandfather a hug." He said. Kwazii ran over and hugged him. "I've been looking for you everywhere I've been, ever since what happened when you were a kitten. Ever since then your mother refused to go exploring. She set up a home in Egypt and has been there ever since." Kwazii smiled. Kwazii and Calico Jack talked and caught up with eachother all night. Soon enough it was around 8am.

"Kwazii? Come in Kwazii?!" Kwazii's radio yelled. Realization hit Kwazii and he realized that everyone must be worried since the last time he thought it would be a good idea to go out in the middle of the night he got injured. Kwazii clicked his radio before speaking;

"Kwazii here, sorry for the scare, Cap'n"

"Where are you, Kwazii?"

"Coconut Crab island! It's the island we stopped the Octopod near." Kwazii replied.

"Peso and I are on our way."

"Aye, Cap'n." Kwazii looked at his granddad, who seemed confused.

"Why're they coming, Kwaz? You're a pirate, you can handle yourself." He said.

"Heh, funny story. Last time I went out in the middle of the night I kinds sorta CrashedAndHitMyHeadReallyHard." Kwazii sped up his talking at the end of his sentence.


Finally I got another chapter done! I've been busy with school and stuff. I was sick for a week and had a bunch of missing stuff to do
(I still have a ton left🥲🤭)

(I'm writing this after it published, I'm sorry if something is weird. It was having some trouble publishing and could've done something weird. So I a apologize if it did do something)

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