Chapter 2

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By the way, before people get pissed at me. I DONT KNOW WHAT FUCKING CAT BREED KWAZII IS! IVE GOOGLED IT SO MANY TIMES AND NOTHING! N.O.T.H.I.N.G! IS COMING UP! IT ONLY SAYS HES A 'CAT' HE DONT GOT A BREED. So, I made a reasonable decision. I called him a Calico cat, because, well his grandfather is 'Calico Jack' sooo, y'know? I know Calicos have black (& white) in their fur, but like- they have orange too and 'orange tabby' doesn't look as cool as Calico does. Sorry if it made you mad, cause it kinda made me mad but oh well. I truly apologize for that T^T


Peso and Captain Barnacles both get into the Gup C.

"Tweak, open the Octohatch!"

"Right away Cap!"

Captain Barnacles starts driving the Gup C away to where the Gup Finder says it is. After about 15 minutes it shows they are near.

"Alright, Peso, keep your eyes peeled. It says he is right here." They search for a minute or two, not being able to find him.

"Oo, Captain Captain! Right there! Oh no!"

"Huh, where? And why 'oh no'?"

"Kwazii is in it.. but there's blood in there with him and the Gup B is stuck in rocks." Peso's eyed started to water and the Captains eyes were wide open in shock. Peso trys to contact Kwazii through the radio again, since they are closer this time.
"P-Peso to Kwazii, Come in Kwazii."

"Hm, K-Kwa-zii H-here."

"Kwazii, how are you feeling? The Captain and I are going to try and get you out."

"My h-head hurts, r-really bad."

"Okay, Kwazii, you probably hit your head really hard. So, I need you to stay awake for me, okay?"

"Mhm" CB drove the Gup C in front of the Gup B, were the Gup C's back is facing the Gup B's back. They hook the hook onto the Gup B and start to pull, after a few minutes they're able to get him out.

"Kwazii, how're you feeling?" Barnacles asked.

"Worse than I could be, but I'll survive Cap'n" Kwazii replied with a weak laugh at the end.

"We'll be back at the Octopod as soon as possible, Kwazii, but when we get there you are coming to the Sickbay with me, Okay, Kwazii?" Peso spoke.


"Captain Barnacles to Octopod"

"Octopod here Captain." Dashi replied.

"We have Kwazii and the Gup B, we're on our way back as fast as possible."

"Alright Captain!"


"Yes, Cap? Did you get him?"

"Yes, we got him and the Gup, but I need you to open the Octohatch in a five minutes."

"Yes sir!"

Captain Barnacles drove as fast as the Gup C would go, which was pretty fast. They made it back in five minutes just like he said. The Octohatch opened and they got in and stopped the Gups. The windows on both Gups opened immediately. Barnacles and Peso both jumped out immediately and went over to Kwazii. The sight made the Captain start to tear up, and the penguin who already started to tear, cry. Kwazii sat there, very weak. His head had a gash on it, and that was oozing blood. Blood was getting everywhere, and Kwazii was barely moving.

"H-How a-re y-you feeling K-Kwazii?" Peso asked.

"L-Like shit" Kwazii said before he closed his eyes. Tweak ran over and saw what happened, her eyes tearing up aswell.

"K-Kwazii?" She stuttered.
Captain Barnacles went into action, he picked the cat up and started to run to the Sick Bay. Peso following right after him, ready to treat his brother-like friend.

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