Chapter 3

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Yaaaayyy! I know the last one was a but short, but I had a good reason! This Chapter is the reason ヾ(≧▽≦*)


Kwazii was layed down on a bed in the Sick-Bay. He had bandages wrapped around his head, and a breathing tube on. Peso was at his table waiting for Kwazii to wake up to check on him. Meanwhile, Captain Barnacles sat on a bench in the Sick-Bay.

"Y'know, Captain, He'll be okay. I promise." Peso told him.

"I know... I'm just worried about him." He looked at his paws in his lap and started to fiddle with them.
"I care about all the Octonauts. You guys are like family to me. Someone getting this hurt and sick is one of my worst nightmares."

"Yeah, well, I'm only a medic, but I can tell you like him a lot more than the rest of us Captain."

"I don't know what you are talking about..." He looked at Kwazii, a small tear slowly fell down his face. Peso noticed and walked over to him. He put his flipper on Barnacles' back and slowly rubbed it.

"You know exactly what I mean, Captain. Everyone knows it." Peso sat down next to him and put his flippers in his lap while looking at the captain. The captain still looking at Kwazii.
"You have a special bond with Kwazii that's unexplainable. I'd like to tell you something. But you cannot let Kwazii know I told you, okay?" CB looked at Peso and nodded his head.
"Kwazii once told me a bit ago, that since he is a cat, he'll get a strong connection, pretty much attached to someone. And when getting 'attached' to someone, he gets emotional over them. He'll want them to be happy, them to be healthy and okay. He said no matter what, even if it hurts himself. If they are happy, he is happy. Now Captain, the reason I'm telling you, is." He stopped speaking and stood up and walked in front of the captain. Barnacles' eyes following the penguin every time he moved.
"Remember last week? When Kwazii hurt his paw on that mission, but you were able to find the thing you were looking for and how you got super happy about it?" Peso asked.

"Yes, I remember that. Why is that important?"

"Cause, Captain. When Kwazii saw how happy you were he ignored the pain in his paw, his ears went from folded down to up straight and he started to smile." Peso smiled before continuing. "What I'm saying Captain-" he turned around and started to waddle to Kwazii's bed.
"-He cares about you more than himself. He has grown attached to you, Captain."

"What does that mean?" His voice was hoarse. Peso sighed.

"I believe it means he likes you, Captain" Shellington spoke as he walked in. "Sorry, I overheard your guys' conversation as I was coming in to check how Kwazii was doing." Shellington stood next to the bench the captain was sitting on. "Also, I'd like to add onto my comment. He most likely likes you, whether it's just as close friends or even possibly more than that."

"Exactly what I was getting at Shellington! And it's okay, it was an accident!" Peso and Shellington smile at each other than both look at their Captain. He looked confused.

"H-... he what."

"Likes you. He's probably bonded with you, Captain. You guys have been through so much together, you guys have both gotten close to each other. You've bonded so much. That's why he does so much stuff, cool, awesome stuff, that would impress you, because he wants your, and only your attention. And if my uh, assumption is right, correct me if I'm wrong, but you feel the same about him, you like him too." Everyone went silent. Barnacles looked down at the floor, then up at Shellington.

"You're correct, Shellington. I believe I do..." Everyone went silent again. Then everyone heard blankets moving, so they looked at Kwazii. He was moving, thrashing in his blankets. Moving a ton, his eyes started to shut even more than they were, and his eyebrows were knitted. All of a sudden, he took a huge breath in and shot up into a sitting position.

Sweat beads rolling down his face and fresh tears started stirring in his eyes. He looked around frantically.  Captain Barnacles shot up from his seat on the bench and ran over to Kwazii's bedside, trying his best to calm the cat down. Shellington ran to the foot of the bed, meanwhile Peso was on the opposite side of the captain.

(A/n, I'm sorry but as I wrote "on the bench" my only thought was
John Mulany,
-Dad: "How was school today?"
-Him: "It was good, but someone pushed Tyler off the seesaw."
- Dad: "And where were you?"
  - Him: "I was over on the bench."
  - Dad: "And what did you do?"
   - Him: "Nothing, I was over on the bench."
   - Dad: " but you saw what happened?
    - Him: "Yeah, Cause I was over on the bench"
    - Dad: "So you saw what happened but did nothing?"
     - Him: "Yeah, cause I was sitting over on the bench"
     - Dad: "Let me ask you this. In Nazi Germany --..When people saw what the Nazis were                doing and did nothing, were those good people?"
        - Him: "Oh, no, no, those were bad people, you gotta stop the Nazis."
        - Dad: "But you saw what they were doing to Tyler and you did nothing."

I'm sorry, I know it was a sad moment. But, ^ was important!


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