Chapter 8

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Holy shit's of the south. I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update! As I'm starting to write this it's already been 10? - Days since I posted Chapter 7! Everything is so so so so so stupid.
Oh well though, here ya go.

~( ̄▽ ̄~) ~(  ̄▽ ̄ )~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

They finally got close to the shipwreck, or atleast as close as they could get the Octopod. It was nighttime so everyone fell asleep, and no, Kwazii luckly did not wake up this time. The Launch Bay now has an alarm system that turns on at night, cause Kwazii apparently has the tendency of sneaking out in the middle of the night. Continuing what was being spoken of, it's now morning, and everyone was up. Exxxccepttt, Kwazii. He was still knocked out. (Sleeping)
Captain Barnacles was getting a bit impatient with the cat, he wanted to know what Kwaz would find in the shipwreck. So, he took it into his own paws and walked over to Kwazii's bedroom. He knocked on his door, hoping maybe that'd wake him up.

"Kwazii?" He asked, no response. He knocked again, and still nothing. He slowly opened the door and looked around. And to no ones surprise, he was curled up in a ball on his bed, still fast asleep. Captain Barnacles walked over to his bed side and kneeled down to come to Kwazii's height. He set his paw on Kwazii's shoulder and gently shook it.
"Kwazii, time to get up kitty" (:o) Barnacles spoke softly.
Kwazii only mumbled something and let out a soft meow as he flipped over, facing away from his Captain. He stood up, and sat on his bed.
"Kwazii, you have to wake up now."

"Nᵒ°" he whispered in response.

"Yes, come-on Kwaz."

"Mm" he whined.

"The sooner you get up, the sooner you get to explore that wreck." Kwazii shot up into a sitting position.
Barnacles just smiled at him, he stood up and started to walk to Kwazii's door.
"Come on, get ready. I'll be waiting in the HQ for you." Kwazii lazily nodded before jumping out of his bed while Captain Barnacles left his room.

Kwazii got ready for the day and ran as fast as possible to the HQ, which didn't take him to long at all. Once he was in the HQ he was practically bouncing off the walls, he was super excited.

"I see you're excited, Kwazii" Captain Barnacles spoke with a chuckle.

"YEOW! C'mon, Cap'n! Let's go!!" Kwazii yelled. He started to make his way to the Launch Bay, very fastly. Captain Barnacles sighed, knowing very well that there was no calming the cat. Barnacles made his way to the Launch Bay.
"There you are, Captain! I've been waiting forever!"

"I know, I know." He chuckled again. "Kwazii, into the Gup A." Kwazii flipped into the Gup with a ton of enthusiasm. While the Captain has a small smile on his face. He got into the Gup aswell.

"Tweak, open the Octohatch."

"Right away, Cap! Have fun Kwazii!" She giggled a little bit after and while saying that to Kwazii. She only said that because of how he was acting. He was rocking back in forth in excitement, and clearly impatiently.

The two in the Gup drove out of the Octohatch and it closed behind them.

"Then you go past those three rock structures." Kwazii said, telling his Captain where to go. After a little bit of steering past coral reefs and rock piles, and a bit of Kwazii telling the Captain where to go with a tiny amount of miscommunications, They finally had the Shipwreck within eye view. Barnacles stopped the Gup, and they started to put their air tanks on. The Captain had been looking at the Cat and realized something may have been a bit off. Kwazii wasn't as excited as he was a few moments ago, his tail was even slowly swaying. He seemed almost curious, with a small hint of, sadness?

"Something wrong, Kwazii?" The Captain asked. Kwazii remained quiet for a minute, he seemed to be thinking.

"That ship looks familiar, but I can't place where it's from.."

"Well, we're about to go in, so we'll see." Barnacles smiled after speaking. Kwazii let a small, soft, smile creep onto his face. Kwazii jumped out of the Gup first, and started to swim to the wreck super fast. The Captain sighed. He jumped down, and out of the hatch, following a bit behind the cat.

"Ooo, Captain! This ship is awesome, Matey!" Kwazii yelled to the Polar Bear, who is still making his way towards him. Kwazii waited on the deck of the ship for his Captain. Once he got there, the two started to explore the shipwreck. After a little bit they got to a fork in the road. The hallway split into two ways.

"Alright, Kwazii, you go that way, I'll go this way."

"Alrighty Cap'n!" And with that, Kwazii ran down his path. Barnacles smiled at him before running down his.


I finally got it out, and earlier than I said. I'm excited for the next chapter, Chapter 9. It's going to get cray-zy.
It will take a bit for me to upload it though. Thank you guys for being patient with me! I love you all so much!

<3 ♡ ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 ♡ <3

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