Chapter 7

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Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. School has been stupidly hard. Like why do I need to know what 50×105y+48087÷5/700=x= watermelons uncle? And why do I need to read stupid poems and write a stupid essay about that 5 letter poem that has barely any meaning behind it? Especially when I can read and write this 🥱
Plus my wifi is being rude rn, it's barely letting me use wattpad.
Anywho, let's get started, shall we?


"Nice to meet you, Calico Jack. I'm Captain Barnacles, I'm the Captain of the Octonauts." Barnacles said as he stuck his paw out for Jack to shake. In which he did, he grabbed his paw and shook it. To the Captain's surprise, he had a really good hand shake.

"Aye, nice to meet cha, I'm glad you've been taking care of me grandson, Kwazii."

"It's been an honor." He replied with a smile on his face. Calico Jack looked at Peso before smiling at him.

"By any chance, are you one of them penguins me horrible son'e law left, Kwazii with?" Peso nodded a yes.

"Yes, I am. I'm Peso" he stuck his flipper out and met Calico Jack's paw.

"It was ye pleasure meeting ya'll. But Kwazii" he spoke before looking at his grandson. "I have some coordinates, to a sunken ship. I thought you could explore it, since I cannot." Kwazii dramatically gasped.

"REALLY?! YAWR! Sounds like fun me'harty! You up for It, Cap'n?"

"Ofcourse, Kwazii" he replied to the cat he adored oh so much. Calico Jack and Kwazii kept chatting about it. Meanwhile Captain Barnacles was focused on the smaller cat, and him alone. At first glance it seemed he was listening to them, but to Peso, who was watching him. He could see just how much love he had in his eyes while staring at Kwazii. Peso let a small smile appear on his face. He loved the fact that someone loves his brother-like friend, so much. After a bit, Kwazii and Jack hugged and went their separate ways, Kwazii having a map in his paws. They all got into the Gup and drove back to the Octopod, and began their journey to the special place marked on the map.

A few hours pass. It was normal, but fun nonetheless.
Here's a little bit of the fun;

"No, Kwazii" Captain said.

"But Captain!"


"Argh, you cat to be kitten me right now, Matey." Kwazii said a bit sadly. Barnacles and Dashi, aka; the only other people in the HQ, froze. They both slowly turned around to face Kwazii. Who had a frown on his face.

"Kwazii, did you just-" Captain Barnacles started

"Make a cat pun?" Dashi finished.

"Yawr, correct you are, me Hearty, and it was Purrr-fect" he spoke. His tail wagging behind him happily, while having a small smirk on his face.

"Kwazii, stop" Dashi spoke halfway jokingly. "They aren't funny. They're horrible" she kept saying, but chuckling while saying it.

"I cat believe you think these puns are a Cat-astrophy! It's not like they're
Cat-astrophic." Dashi started softly laughing. Tweak and Shelington entered the room, confused on why Dashi was laughing, Barnacles looked a tad bit annoyed, and Kwazii was very visibly amused.

"Kwazii, I'm trying to focus right now. But I can't if you keep making cat puns." Barnacles informed the cat.

"He's making cat puns?" Tweak whisper asked to Shelington, chuckling lightly.

"I guess so?" He replied scratching the back of his head.

"Awe, you gotta stay Paw-sitive, Cap'n."

"Kwazii." Kwazii sighed dramatically. He slunched(?) Over and his tail fell closer to the floor, now slowly wagging.

"Aww. I guess you just aren't in the right cat-atitude right now." Kwazii said sadly with puppy eyes. Ironic a cats doing it, ay?

"Kwazii!" Captain yelled in shock, that he did it once again. Kwazii let out a evil-like laugh, causing Tweak and Shelington to start laughing and Dashi to start laughing harder. Captain Barnacles gave in and let a soft smile cover his face.

Later on;

"AHHHHHH" was heard through the whole Octopod.

"C-CALM D-DOWN!" Was heard immediately after. The Captain ran as fast as he could towards the scream, that was oddly high pitched. "AHH" A different voice screamed. Barnacles ran even faster. He ended up in the kitchen to a sight you don't see every day. Peso was on one of the tables with a few Vegimals, while the rest of them were on the counters. All of a sudden he heard something hiss, and loudly. He looked towards the sound and saw Kwazii on the fridge.

'Was that Kwazii? I've never heard him hiss before" he thought.
"What's going on?" Barnacles asked.

"Th-theres a-a-a s-spider!!" Peso said scaredly.

"Where?" He asked. Kwazii hissed again, but this time it was followed by a scream. He looked over to Kwazii, then to the ground near the fridge. That's when he saw a itsy bitsy spider on the floor. "Kwazii, Peso... Vegimals.." Barnacles spoke, sounding disappointed. He walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a plate then grabbed a piece of paper off the counter. He walked over to the spider and trapped it. "There, all done. Now get down from there, Kwazii, before you get hurt."

Even later on;

"Does anyone know where Kwazii is?" Tweak asked, with Dashi by her side.

"I think I recall him saying he was going to polish his spyglass. He's probably in his room."

"Okay, thank you, Professor!" Tweak said before jumping down the tube, with Dashi right behind her.

"Anytime!" He replied as she was starting to go down. Tweak and Dashi made their way to Kwazii's room. They knocked on the door.

"Kwazii? Are you in there?" Dashi asked. Tweak knocked again.

"Kwazii?" Tweak asked.
"We're coming in."  The door opened and they started quietly laughing. Dashu held her camera up and snapped a picture. Kwazii was asleep, But his head was lying on the floor while his legs were on his bed. His back resting on the side of his bed, and one of his legs in the air.

"Oh my Atlantic." Tweak said while laughing. They shut the door and went back to HQ.

"Did you find him?" Barnacles asked.

"Yeah we did, he was asleep, but he fell asleep in a funny position so I took a picture of him." Dashi showed everyone the picture and they were all laughing.


This is different than my usual ones. But I like it. Especially the cat puns 😂 I've been needing a reason to use those.

Also I apologize for taking a bit to upload. As I said school is wack. I also had my little brother's (who is still in grade school) music recital today, so I was a bit busy. But something off topic, the girl sitting in front of me WOULDN'T STOP TURNING AROUND AND LOOKING AT ME! Like, if you're going to look at someone, don't make it obvious 🤦‍♀️
She was rlly like: 👁👄👁
While I was like: 👀💧
Nah, cause that was spooky, don't do that 💀

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