Chapter 5

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"After he dragged her away, we never saw them again. But lucky My mom was kind enough to care for Kwazii aswell." Everyone was silent after Peso said that.
"Well, it's getting late. You two should go to bed" Peso spoke again.

"What about Kwazii?" Barnacles asked.

"I'll be here all night. Plus I need to go through all my medical stuff and see what more I need to order."

"Well, if you're watching him, I must get back to the lab, I have some stuff to do." Shellington said as he walked out of the SickBay waving at the two. Peso looked at Captain Barnacles.

"He'll be fine Captain, he's made it this far. The most dangerous part is done. And that's the bleeding out part. He isn't bleeding anymore. So he should be okay." Peso said trying to reassure the Captain. CB sighed before speaking.

"Okay, I'll go to bed. But if anything happens get me. Okay?"

"Yes sir! You'll be the first to know" The Captain sighed again before walking towards the door. He turned around right before exiting.

"Goodnight Peso"

"Goodnight Captain, and remember, he'll be fine. He's survived worse." Barnacles nodded letting Peso know he understands before he continued walking out the door. Now was Peso's turn to sigh. "He's worried about you, Kwazii."

"I can see that." Kwazii spoke as he slowly sat up on the bed.

"How're you feeling?" Peso asked as he waddled over to Kwazii.

"Almost perfect."

"Let me fix your bandage!" Peso said cheerfully. Peso took the bandages off and threw them away. He inspected the injury. "Looks good to me, does it hurt?"

"Only when pressure gets applied to it."

"Okay, good! It's healing really good, Kwazii!"

"Thank you Peso."

"Also, I'm sorry for telling them.." just by looking at Peso's face you could tell he was full of guilt.

"It's fine Peso. I would've had to tell them eventually." Kwazii told the penguin with a smile. Kwazii gently slid off the bed. "I'll be right, back. I'm just grabbing a snack." Kwazii said. Peso spun around and looked at Kwazii.

"Okay, but please be careful."

"Will do!" Kwazii walked out the room and went to the kitchen. He grabbed Ice cream and sat down at the table, and started nibbling on it. He didn't care enough to turn the lights on when he walked in. He could see in the dark, hence cats have night vision. All of a sudden he heard the hatch in the kitchen open and his head swung to look at it, making him a bit dizzy. Captain Barnacles walked into the kitchen. Kwazii remained quiet, and watched his Captain. Barnacles opened the fridge and just stared. Be reached in and grabbed a kelp cake. He shut the fridge then leaned against the counter as he ate it. Barnacles looked around the dark room and his eyes stopped once he saw glowing. He froze. Kwazii was just as confused, but confused on what the Captain was doing. Kwazii decided to mess with the Captain and he hissed. The second the sound left the cat, Barnacles jumped back, even though he couldn't to much. Then realization hit him.


"Ay, Cap'n. Why're you up so late?" Kwazii asked, acting as if he wasn't just in a bed with his head bleeding.

"I should be asking you, you're supposed to be in bed I thought."

"I was hungry, I haven't eaten. And Peso said I'm fine as long as I'm careful."

"Oh. Alright then." Captain walked over to the table and sat in front of Kwazii. "Can I sit here?" He asked.

"Ofcourse, Cap'n! I don't mind. Plus I love your company." They both smiled.

"I'm glad you're okay Kwazii."

"I know, thank you, Cap'n" they went silent. "I uhm. I heard how worried you were. I'm sorry for worrying you so much." Kwazii looked down at his food.

"You heard?" The Captain asked confused.

"Yeah, after I woke up and fell back asleep I didn't actually fall asleep, asleep. I was able to hear you guys, just couldn't move, not even my eyelids." The Captain was shocked. And a bit embarrassed.

"So, was Peso's story, about your family true?" Kwazii looked up from his food and looked at the Captain. His ears went down and hugged his head and his tail wrapped around his torso.

"Yeah.. it is."


Ooo fun fun fun. Idk what to do anymore T^T

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