Chapter 10

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If you've already read Chapter 10, go ahead and ignore this, it's the same exact writing and all! This is typed after this was posted, I'm having technical issues with Wattpad right now. So I apologize if things are weird or out of order with the chapters.

Sorry for spelling and grammer mistakes. I have no real excuse for that other than I write fast, and I don't look through it thoroughly before I post it.

Another thing, sorry, if you guys have any ideas or requests on how Kwazii should reveal the truth of what had actually happened, please tell me! I'm getting writers block horribly and have no idea how to break the news! So please, please, please! Any ideas tell me! I need some!


Days pass by, very few but yet they felt like an eternity to Captain Barnacles. Kwazii had locked himself in his bedroom, only coming out to go to the bathroom and for food. But that rounded up to only coming out about once a day, and who knows how much per night. In which, he'd purposely avoid anyone and everyone, he was very wary and cautious.

Everyone tried knocking on his door and trying to talk to him. They tried to convince him to come out. Which he always made up some random excuse. They would try and ask why he was in his room so much lately. In which he told all of them the same thing, he said that since it was winter, he was sleeping more to save energy.

It's kinda like a cheap hibernation. And though, it is winter- (for them!) -they (almost) all bought it. Barnacles and Peso on the other hand, did not believe the cat one damn bit. Peso knew Kwazii, though a cat, did not experience the cat version of hibernation, cause he grew up in the cold for a few beginning years of his life. Barnacles though, just knew. He knows all about his Octonauts, or atleast tries too. He talked to Peso about his suspicion of Kwazii lying, and Peso agreed with the Polar bear.

"I'm worried for Kwazii, Captain.."

"I am too, Peso. But unfortunately, there's not to much we can do." Barnacles sighed.
"I mean, I could use the physical method of getting him out, but I don't want to break any trust." Peso nodded understandingly.
"Anyway, you should get to bed, Peso. It's getting late." Barnacles was looking out the big window in the HQ. Just staring at the dark ocean, arms crossed.

"Alright.. Goodnight, Captain."

"Goodnight, Peso." Peso waddled his way to the chute, jumping down. Barnacles sighed again.
"I wish you could just tell me what's wrong, Kwazii..." he whispered to himself, wishing, hoping. All he wanted was for Kwazii to trust him, and right now, it feels as if he doesn't. Barnacles ended up just going to his room. He layed awake for what seemed to be hours on end.

It was still dark outside, light only coming from his clock. All of a sudden he heard a door open, then close.

"Kwazii..?" He whispered, still to himself. He got up out of bed and threw his uniform on.

(With Kwazii, before & while this happened)

Kwazii's head has been racing a million miles per hour, for hours.

'What if I just saw things? What if it wasn't them? What if I'm just being delusional?!' Kwazii thought to himself. He slowly sat up into a sitting position.

"I need to go make sure I saw it." He said seriously. He didn't sound like he was going to have his mind changed, and he knew it wasn't going to happen. He needed to make sure he didn't just imagine it, he needed to make sure it wasn't all faux. He needed to make sure, his reaction was worth it. He had an idea of how everyone felt about what he was doing, locking himself in his bedroom, that is, but then again he could only imagine, seeing as he hasn't seen or talked to them much. He felt bad about it. Horrible even. But he knew that if he didn't lock himself up, and hide away from them all, they'd bombard him with questions and he wouldn't get a second to think.

Kwazii loves the Octonauts, they're pretty much family to him at this point, but hell, they can be- how to word this.. annoying? Kwazii just needed time alone, to think. They wouldn't be able to help, not while they cannot read his mind, or feel his feelings. They'd need to be able to do those before they could help Kwazii.

He feels and has felt mean, and like a selfish jerk. But what can the cat do? Everyone needs their alone time, to think, to process. He feels horribly bad for pushing them away, and lying to them. But they wouldn't leave him be otherwise. Once this is all over, Kwazii told himself he will apologize, and make it up to all of them. Right now though, is not the right time, the time will come, but it'll be in due time.

Kwazii made his way to the launch bay. He quietly snuck around, trying not to wake Tweak up, and he was infact successful. He grabbed his stuff ans opened the Octohatch, then hopped into the Gup B. Suddenly Barnacles ran in.

"Kwazii..? What are you doing?!" Barnacles yell-whispered, attempting not to wake Tweak up aswell. Kwazii looked at the Captain, his eyes big and full of sorrow. His eyes softly narrowed, he wasn't glaring, but rather looking with tired eyes.

"I'm sorry, Captain... I'll be back soon, I just need to double check." He spoke softly, surprisingly not raspy with how little he's spoken recently.

"Double check what? Kwazii wait-" and with that, Kwazii drove away and out the Octohatch.
"Kwazii..." Barnacles feelings were all over the place, and so was his mind.

Should he go, should he wait, should he tell others or keep it to himself?
What to do, what to. do.   ?


Was it as sad to read as it felt to write?

I apologize for this being short, I really just wanted to post something for you guys. Also thank you so much for being so patient with me, you have no idea how much it means. <3

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