Chapter 11

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Barnacles didn't go after him, as much as he wanted to he didn't. He was sad that Kwazii felt the need to sneak out, and felt as if he couldn't tell him what on his mind. But more so, he was angry, well, more of upset. Kwazii was digging himself into a hole he won't be able to get himself out of. The trench of which he's put himself in continues to get deeper and deeper.

The next morning everyone except Tweak and Peso and the obvious Kwazii, were in the HQ.

"Captain?" Peso asked as in came in. Peso's in there now too.

"Yes, Peso?"

"Is Kwazzi okay now? He's not in his room." Then Tweak came up the tube.

"Cap'n? Do you know where the Gup B is?" She asked. Peso's eyes widened as he slowly turned his head towards her, then back at Barnacles.

"Don't worry, Peso! Tweak, Kwazii is out using it. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Peso calmed down a bit at the reassurance. Tweak nodded and went over to talk to Dashi.

"Where'd he go?"

"No clue." Barnacles replied dryly.

"Huh? But you said-"

"I said he's gone. I saw him leave but he didn't specify where." Peso looked worried. Barnacles on the other hand, looked like he didn't care at all, when realistically he was worried, and he feft bad for letting Kwazii leave.

Kwazii. He forgot where the wreck was, and it wasn't like he could just check the map, the Captain brought it back to Calico Jack. So at the moment, he was on the search for his dear ol' granddad. Surprisingly, it wasn't too hard. He went to Coconut Crab Island and talked to them. They knew where the elder had been and is, and they happily told Kwazii.       

Kwazii made his way to Calico Jack. It took awhile. It was already dark and he still had a little bit to go. He's been alone in the gup for so long, the whole time he's just been rethinking all of his decisions through the past few days. All his regrets, mistakes.. the all of it.  

One he got to his destination, he got out of his gup and onto the island. He saw Jack sitting in the sand, enjoying the sunrise. Kwazii recognized the place they were at. It's the place the two came to very often. You see, after Kwazii's parents abandoned him with Peso and his family, Peso's mom took as good of care of him as she could, that, you know, but after some time, another Cat came around. He asked the penguins if they've seen a kitten around. He told them he was looking for his grandson. They showed him Kwazii, and everyone instantly knew they were related. The looked the same, they acted the same, it was just obvious. Calico asked to take his grandson with him, Peso's mom agreed. She grew to love the kitten as her own, but she knew the antarctic was no place for him. She knew it was way too cold. So she let Calico Jack take Kwazii with him. She obviously had the fear and knowledge that she most likely would never see Kwaz. But when the cats left, they sailed the seven (7) seas together. "The cat pirates" little Kwazii always said. That was Kwazii's pirate days.

He missed being a pirate, sure, but he loved his life now. Through errors and mistakes, the Octonauts were always there for him. Not to mention how lucky he got when he met Peso again after all those years. He quickly got close to Peso once more, and quickly saw Peso's mom again. They were all a family again. But now, all the Octonauts are his family, ofcourse Peso's family and Calico Jack are still family.

The island brought back so many memories. All his memories. Mainly the ones of when he grew older, he separated from his grandpa to become his own pirate. The two would meet on this very island every once and again to catch up. So many nights of chatting, quiet times watching the sun come up and go down, and laughter filling the day air. He's cried and laughed on this very island.

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