Chapter 4

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(A/n: this is the longest I've ever written a story- wait, no, that's a lie. This is the longest story I've written that I'm more or so liking. The others were worse than this.

Tell me, is this even good?

What should I add more of? Like, drama, angst(I'm not good at that)
Fluff, more cuss words. Cause from my count I only put 2, Kwazii once, and Me once. What should I do to make this better? Please tell me!

A/n out, enjoy the new chapter.)

It's been a few hours since Kwazii woke up, but those few hours we spent trying to keep the cat calm. Everytime Barnacles or Peso left he would start to panic, and no one execpt Peso knew why, but Peso never told everyone else he knew, so everyone (-Peso&Kwazii)
Thought no one knew.

Peso and Kwazii were like brothers to eachother. They met before they joined the Octonauts, when they were just a kitten and a chick.. it's a long story, one I don't care enough to share right now. Maybe later. So Kwazii and Peso tell eachother everything, and I mean. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G! and that's why he doesn't want Peso to leave.

Captain on the other hand, Kwazii doesn't want him to leave because, well..
Ya boi Kitty Cat Kwazii has a crushie crush on the Cap'n'o'Captain. If ya know what I mean.

After another hour, Kwazii fell back asleep. Or so they thought. Peso had left a second ago to get a snack for him and the Captain, as theybboth haven't eaten.

"Shelington, do you know why Kwazii was acting like that?"

"Like what, Captain?"

"Panicing everytime Peso or I left the room?"

"Hmm, well I'm not to sure. But it may be caused by something that happened in his past."

"I doubt he'd tell us.." he spoke as he look at the sleeping cat.

"I-I can tell you.." Peso said shyly as he walked in with two kelp cakes.

"You know?" Shellington asked.

"Y-yeah, we grew up together."

"You guys grew up together? How? You're a penguin, he's a cat, you live in the antarctic he lives where it's not so cold." CB said curiously.

"Well, that's the thing-" he handed one of the kelp cakes to the Captain and he said thank you.
"Kwazii's past wasn't as good as he says it is." The other two looked confused.

Kwazii's pov o0o

"Kwazii's past wasn't as good as he says it is." Peso said. oh no, is he going to tell them? What do I do? I'm too weak to move right now.

"What do you mean, Peso?" Shellington asked.

"W-well.." he was hesitating. Peso is a good guy. He wants to say it but he doesn't at the same time. Go ahead Peso, I have to tell them eventually. I thought to myself. Peso sighed.
"Kwazii's parents were explores, they explored everywhere, but the artic and thr antarctic. But one day, when I was just a nestling. About a month or two old. There were these two cats that came over, A Calico, and a Orange Tabby cat. But one of them were carrying a kitten, maybe about 3, or 4 months old. He was tiny, and he was Kwazii. He was shivering a ton, it was a cold day in the antarctic." He stopped.

"Go on." Shellington said intrigued. And so Peso kept speaking. I'd wish to forget that day, but never will I.

!Tw! please read with caution.
Btw, Kwazii is still a tiny kitten and his voice isn't "Normal" it's a baby voice. So any misspelled words are probably just his baby voice!

"M-Mama, P-Papa, where are t-the othvers? And wh-ere are we, it's s-so cold."

"We're in the antarctic Kwazii, the coldest place on earth." Papa said.

"And your siblings are with your grandma GG." Mama spoke next.

"W-why are w-we here the-n?" Its so cold..

"Because, you stupid runt, we don't have to explain shit to you." I don't like it when Papa cusses.

"ALFRED! Be nice!"

"What?! He's the runt, can I not call him that?" Papa said mad.

"No! You can't, he's still our Kitten, whether you like it or not." Mama Said. I cuddled into her as much as I could to keep warm.

"Oh, whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh! There's the penguins! Here, Alfred take Kwazii real quick, I need to go take pictures." Mama said super excited. She handed me to my father. He just smiled. Mama ran off towards the penguins. His smile disappeared. He dropped me on the ground and I started to tear up.

"I don't know why your mother even likes you. Your a runt! You're tiny compared to your siblings and not to mention an idiot!" He cut my ear, and it started bleeding. Tears start running down my face. "You even make a noise and I'll kill you, you got that?!" He yells, I nod. His voice hurts my ears when he yells. Where's Mama, I want her..

"ALFRED! COME HERE AND LOOK AT THE BABYS!" My Mama yelled. Papa looked down at me before rolling his eyes and picking me up. As we got closer, I was still crying.

"Shh, it's okay." He said as we got in Mama's earshot. Once she heard that she spun around and saw me crying while my ear was bleeding. She rushed over.

"Aww, my baby, what happend beautiful?" She asked as she grabbed me from Papas arms. I shook my head no, not wanting to answer. She looked at Papa.

"He was messing around and accidentally cut his ear."

"Oh, my poor kitten. Are you okay dear? Let's get some snow on it to make it feel better okay?" I nodded yes. She took me over to the penguins and sat me down next to one about my height. Mama walked away for a moment to go get some fresh snow. The penguin waddled over to me.

"H-Hewo! I'm P-Peso." He said. I sniffled and looked at him with teary eyes.
"Why are you cwying?"

"M-my eaor huts" he looked at my ears before sitting down next to me. He grabbed my paw and smiled.
"Don't wowwy, I'm sure you'll be just fone!"

"Tank you. I'm Kwazii" he smiled at me. Just then Mama came back with some snow in her hand. She gently rubbed it on my ear. I started crying, it stung.

"I know baby, I know. It'll hurt, but later it'll feel okay." I trusted her. She threw the rest of the snow then she took her jacket off and put it on me. "There you go my. Baby"

"JENNA! COME HERE" Papa yelled. She looked over at him.

"I'll be right back my love." She got up and ran over to him. He grabbed her arm and started to run away."




They continued to argue, I started to cry. It was to cold for me to move. I wanted to run to Mama so bad, but I couldn't. I saw Papa drag Mama away while Mama was crying.

I never saw them again.


Ooo, it's getting juicy! What'll  happen next?! I don't even know!

But seriously I'm on the verge of tears 😭 thats so sad, Alfred is so rude. My poor baby Kwaz >-<

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