ಥ‿ಥ info! pls read :]

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UPDATE FROM THE FUTURE! It does start off pretty cringey, but (I think) it gets better after awhile. I would redo the chapters but I am WAY to lazy to do that. Also, once the story is finished the posts that ARE NOT apart of the actual story, will be deleted! Or if at anytime you may be reading this, the non-update updates are not very important. They usually just say why I haven't posted or when the next post will be. But if you are reading this when it's marked as 'complete/d' all the not updates should be gone and this'll not mean much to you.

I'm truly sorry, I'm not exactly a good writer, but I try. So I apologize if it's bad and not at all what you were expecting. Constructive criticism or anything that could help me edit the story and make it seem better is loved and appreciated! Just please be nice.

Uhm, what else..? Oh.

This story does unfortunately have some sad topics that could trigger something. It may have mentions of abuse and other unfortunate stuff. It also contains strong language.


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