snowed in | eula x reader

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"the snow doesn't seem to be letting down," eula said to you as she stepped away from the window, closing the curtains.

"that's a shame," you replied from her couch, "although it's better than getting caught in a storm."

"i agree." eula sat down next to you. "i think it would be better if you stayed here for the night. i can give you an extra set of clothes and i have other necessities. we can have dinner and watch a movie, if you would like."

you turned to eula in surprise. "you can cook?"

she gave you a half-frown in response. "of course i can. it's one of the many skills that i have."

"oh," you let out a small laugh, "it was only because you frequent good hunter. i had assumed that it was because you couldn't cook or something."

"you will be paying for that comment later," eula hmphed at you, "but only after you take a shower and get changed. i can't get proper vengeance if you aren't ready."

you let out a chuckle. her way of showing her love to you was definitely interesting. "promise you won't peek at me while i take a shower."

you hoped to see eula's reaction when you said that, but she immediately turned away. "how dare you think so low of someone from the lawrence clan? but i shall leave you clothes outside the door." despite turning away, you could hear how her voice was slightly higher than normal and saw the way her ears turned red.

after taking a nice and relaxing shower, you took the clothes that eula had neatly set out for you in front of the door. it was a pair of sweatpants and a simple shirt, both of which felt new. you were surprised that eula had clothes that fit you so well, but perhaps she was far more prepared than you thought.

"eula, you said you were gonna make dinner. do you need any help with anything?" you asked as you walked into the kitchen, following the sounds of chopping on a cutting board.

she turned to you and you could see that she was neatly slicing vegetables.

"i'm nearly done with the preparations. i'll make it quickly so we can get enjoy the movie with dinner," eula explained as she transferred the vegetables to another bowl.

you trailed her around the kitchen like "a lost puppy" (according to eula) and watched carefully as she made some sort of dough, simmered the filling, and heated oil in a pan. fascinated by how meticulous eula was with making the pie, you observed her focused expression carefully.

"hey now," eula cautioned as she brought over her finished pie to the stove, "stay back since you could get oil splashed on you."

she moved you behind her and you peered around her to see what she was doing. she dropped her crafted pies into the oil and the smell was honestly incredible. when you told her that, she scoffed, saying that "of course it would, it was made by me."

once she took it out of the oil, she plated it and moved over to the table. you followed after her and you were surprised to see her pull back a chair and just stand behind it.

you looked at her with confusion.

"you're meant to sit here," eula said, holding back a laugh.

"oh." you cleared your throat. "i knew that."

you moved into the seat and eula pushed you in before sitting on her own chair. you took a bite of what she made and immediately looked at her with wide eyes.

"i'm guessing you enjoy it, no?"

"eula, this is incredible! why didn't you ever tell me that you were this good at cooking?"

"you never asked. additionally, i was hoping that it would come as a surprise as vengeance for thinking that i couldn't cook well."

"hm, we'll i'll be coming by more often so you should get some ingredients stocked up."

the two of you continued eating happily and you were surprised by how quickly you scarfed down the food. the savory taste of the filling with the flaky pastry was a perfect combination of flavors and textures. you cleared up the table and eula led you to the living room to watch a movie together.

you took a quick peek out the window and saw how much the snow was starting to pile up. even if the streets were prepared with salt, it wouldn't be enough to get rid of a foot of snow. you were glad that you chose to stay instead of going back home.

"y/n, do you have any movie in particular that you wish to see?" eula called from the couch, browsing the television.

you shook your head. "i want to know what kind of movies you enjoy."

"alright, i'll put on something that i like then. but you should tell me if you'd rather watch something else." eula flipped through the channels and settled on a movie that you recognized.

the two of you were snuggled together on the couch with a blanket settled on top. the movie was more entertaining than you thought and saw why eula would enjoy a movie like it. however, once it was over, it was much later than you expected and you let out a loud yawn.

"we should definitely be going to sleep now," eula commented after seeing you yawn.

you nodded and eula led you to a bed. you were tucked in as if you were a child, but you didn't complain. you closed your eyes to fall asleep and then felt the other side of the bed dip down.

"eula is that you?" you asked into the darkness.

you felt something shift next to you and you opened your eyes to see eula's purple and yellow ones.

you let out a gasp. "oh my god eula you scared me!"

"i thought that you were aware we would be sleeping on the same bed. the couch is an insufficient place to get rest," eula responded nonchalantly, although you could see that her cheeks were tinted the faintest shade of pink.

you blinked at her, trying to hid a growing smirk. "huh, i guess you're right then. good night, eula."

"good night." eula cleared her throat. "i am glad that i was able to spend this time with you."

"as am i, eula." your cheeks started to flush by her unusually sentimental words. "i love you."

it was silent for a bit but it wasn't an uncomfortable kind of silence. you always knew that eula had a hard time getting the words out since they were somewhat foreign to her.

"come on," you teased lightheartedly, "don't you love me too?"

eula was hiding under the blankets by that point to hide her face, which you knew despite the darkness was bright red. "of course i do."

"then you should say it," you laughed as you tried to lift the covers.

"i will get my vengeance for this!" eula declared loudly, causing you to laugh even harder.

it was safe to say that there was a minor pillow fight that ensued as you tried to get eula to say the words back and once she did, the two of you fell asleep with the white snow continuing to fall outside.


⁀➷ if i had a dollar for every time that i forgot to upload it here i would have a lot of money i think. I'M SORRY GUYS I WAS WONDERING WHAT I WAS FORGETTING AND IT WAS YOU LOT- also the person who asked for alhaitham angst, i'm almost done with it but i have a big presentation this week so it'll be posted this weekend! 

requests are open and any support is appreciated! thanks for reading! <3

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