haunted house | diluc x reader

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part 6 of the halloween event!!

the dark gothic house standing in front of you was known to be the scariest haunted house in your area. your friends had challenged you to going and you eventually gave in. you asked diluc, one of your closest childhood friends, if he was interested in going with you. unexpectedly, he quickly responded with a yes. he claimed that you'd need someone reliable to go with in case you got scared.

now all you had to do was go through the whole house and make it out alive. and without making an utter fool of yourself. easier said than done. you already knew that diluc would be fine. he'd been in scarier situations without even showing a single sign of distress. even now, he wasn't even paying attention to the already-creepy decorations on the house.

"well then, y/n, should we get going?" diluc looked to you. his pose was relaxed with his hands in his pockets.

you nodded, and the two of you walked up the front steps of the house. diluc went ahead of you and knocked on the door. he then turned the knob and opened the door and you heard it echo throughout the house. the interior smelled of dust and old wood, and you couldn't see past the first three foot radius.

"so, uh, we just have to walk through the house and go out the back door?" you asked as you cowered behind diluc.

"yes, but don't worry, we'll be fine," he replied, "let's keep going."

and so diluc went down a hallway and you tagged along behind him. he turned a corner and a ghost with a pale, sunken face and long dark hair popped out from behind and screamed an ungodly scream. diluc stood there, unamused, but you yelped and clung to diluc's jacket. the ghost ran past the two of you and disappeared.

"are you okay?" he turned to face you.

"yeah," you responded with your face in the back of his coat, "just give me a moment."

diluc waited for a bit, but you were finding it hard to gain the confidence to go on. you trembled as you clutched the back of his jacket.

"would it make you feel better if i held your hand?" he asked, looking down the long hallway.

you weren't sure why, but you could have sworn that in the dim light, his face was slightly redder as he avoided looking you in the eyes.

you couldn't really turn down such a thoughtful request like that, though, so you responded with a meek "yes."

diluc gently grabbed your right hand. his hands were soft and warm. you noticed the way his fingers interlocked with yours and how he gripped it tenderly.

with your hand in his, he started going down the hallway. you genuinely didn't want to see anything, so you kept your head down and let diluc lead the way. occasionally, you could hear the sounds of screaming from all around and diluc would bring you closer to him. he faintly smelled like grapes and pine. you could make out the smell of a perfume. even through his jacket, you could feel his high body temperature which warmed you in the cold, dreary house.

"y/n, i can see the door leading outside from here, do you think you can make it out?"

you looked up and peeked around him. the door was indeed right in front of you, only a few yards away. you could make it out. easy. you wanted to talk, but you had a feeling nothing would come out. instead, you nodded at diluc. the two of you started walking together.

but he still held your hand.

after walking only a few feet, you sensed movement from one of the paintings in front of you. when you walked right past it to the right of it, a ghost woman with blood all over her face popped out and screamed. you shrieked and jumped backwards right into diluc, bumping into his chest. he wrapped his arms around you, almost protectively, and you started to feel a bit calmer. he eventually let go of you but took your hand again and the two of you finally made it outside of the dark house and into the light.

once you were out, you promptly lay on the ground. your chest was heaving from the last scare and you needed to just mentally get away from that. you couldn't imagine going into that haunted house alone. you wouldn't even be able to last a minute. frankly, diluc was the reason this didn't go badly. eventually, you got back up and dusted yourself off.

"i couldn't have done this without you, diluc," you acknowledged as the two of you walked away from the haunted house, "i cannot thank you enough. is there anything i can do for you in return?"

diluc went silent for a moment, likely thinking of the possibilities.

"then, if you are available, would you like to accompany me to dinner tonight?"

oh. well that was unexpected. of course, it wasn't strange to go out and eat dinner with your friends, but diluc was rarely the one to ask first. usually you were the one who asked. but if diluc was treating you to dinner, then you'd just have to expect.

"i'd love to go with you, diluc!"

he gave you one of his rare smiles. "then i will see you later."


⁀➷ AAA SORRY I SHOULD HAVE POSTED THIS YESTERDAY- also diluc takes you on a really nice date :D also this is childhood friends to lovers also y/n is very oblivious 

requests are open and any support is appreciated! <3


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