27. Jail break

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The plan is simple, at least that's what Laurent said. It took the others a while to trust Jason and Tyler when they first met. But after learning about the telepathic link between Jason and May Laurent and Lilly filled them in on their plan. After seeing how much weaker Jason has gotten recently they decided to use his sickness to their advantage.

There are only 3 different and very specific reasons why any of the gaurds would risk removing their bracelets. 1) Is when they're knocked out and tied up so the doctors can run tests on them, 2) When they're put into a medical induced coma that lasts long enough for them to refill the lead in their bracelets and finally 3) the only time where they're awake for it is when they have to lower the dosage.

That's what Jason is hoping will happen now. The guards lead him through a narrow hallway past white doors towards the mad bay. They dump him on the table like he's a bag of fruit and walk out so the nurse can examine him. The nurse is tall and muscular with eyes that look as empty as the drugged up teenagers they have locked in cells.

He begins with the basics, fever, heartrate and breathing. Eventually he takes a syringe and extacts some of Jasons blood. Jason looks down at the bleeding dot on his arm and watches how long it takes a wound that small to heal. Not too long ago his powers were helping him recover from having his shoulder torn open in minutes, now even a prick from a needle takes too long.

The nurse consults his machines running tests on Jasons blood. With his back turned Jason spots the card that unlocks the bracelet in the nurses back pocket. One swipe from that thing and it falls off his wrist. Jason closes his eyes and searches for Mays mind.

"Are you okay?" She asks

"I see the card. But they haven't removed my bracelet yet." Jason tells her.

"We're still in the cafeteria, do you think we should start early?" May asks.

The nurse walks over to Jason lifts his gums and shines a flashlight in his eye.

"No. Not yet, we only get one shot at this." He tells her.

"Understood, I'll be waiting." May responds.

"Have you been feeling dizzy and disoriented lately?" The nurse asks.

Jason almost laughs at his question, everyone in this place is dizzy and disoriented. He nods slowly and holds his head like he's having a migraine.

"If you stay like this you'll slip into a coma." The nurse says reaching for his card.

Jason acts sicker than he actually is. The nurse walks over and holds out Jasons arm. But seconds before he can unlock the bracelet the door slides open and a guard barges in.

"What are you doing?" He grumbles.

The nurse sighs and turns around the card dangling in his hand.

"The kids dose is too high, he needs to get some of the stuff out of his system and recover for a second or his organs will shut down and he'll be alseep for days." He says.

"Do you have any idea who that kid is?" The guard asks fixing Jason with a hate filled look.

The longer he looks at him the more his face begins to look familiar. Deep in the crowd of faces Jason has sent flying with his powers he remembers his perfectly. He was there the day the manor blew up.

"Does that matter, he still needs help." The nurse argues.

"Believe me the little asshole deserves it." The guard says.

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