Chapter 20. Love.

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Oh god.

I closed the door, my mind already racing with thoughts. I was alone, with Asmodeus.

Ofcourse my grandpa was still here, but he was working in his room and told us not to disturb him unless something had happened.

So now im pretty much alone with Asmodeus.

My heart was pounding loudly against my chest, but for reasons unknown would not stop beating.

Why is this stressing me out so much?

I turned around, looking at Asmodeus.

"So what do we do now?" He asked me, snapping me out of my blind panick.

"Ehh.. if you want we can maybe do something in my room?" I asked, questioningly.

"Sure!" He said. "Anything with you is my favorite activity!"

We walked to my room together. The beds really were made. However, there weren't two beds, but three.

If Opera didn't plan for this to happen, than what horrible thing must have happened?

No you are just overthinking it, Iruma.

I sat down on one of the beds, pondering about what could have happened. Asmodeus sat next to me.

He was staring at me. I knew. I could feel his eyes in the back of my head. I hadn't noticed that the beating in my chest had calmed down, but when I did, the nervousness had already come back, and even stronger than before.

What do I do? I feel like im in space, somewhere without any air..

The silence than got broken, the person sitting behind me noticing my weird behavior.

"Master Iruma, are you alright?" He asked, looking with consern.

I stood up to reply. "Y-yeah! Im good!"

I must have looked like an idiot, stuttering and standing up. Im not in class. Im not in the military either, or being bossed around by some higher ups.

"Mhm, alright, if you say so master.." He replied, looking unsure.

"I really am fine though! Don't worry about me!" I replied, knowing all too well that I was panicking.

"Ehh, so what do you want to do now?" I asked, trying to focus on the question instead of my heartbeat.

"What would you like to do?" Asmodeus asked. "If you want we can play games, or maybe we can just talk."

Play games? Talk? Well, I don't have anything to play in my room, but talking with him would make me go insane.

"Im not sure.. Which one would you like to do more?" I asked him.

"Ah, well. If I were to choose it would be to have a nice chat with each other." Asmodeus said, smiling. "Its been so long since we could talk to each other without stupid Clara ruining my chats.

"Alright! Lets do that than, so what do you wanna talk about?" I replied, trying to push my nervousness down.

He took a while to reply, he awkwardly looked down at his lap, playing with his fingers. "W-well.. we could talk about.. love? Isn't that what people normally talk about in sleepovers..?"

He quickly looked up at me, looking flustered. "W-we don't have to ofcourse!"

I don't think I've ever felt this flustered and akward at the same time in my life before. I didn't like him, ofcourse! I just feel very uncomfortable talking about love!

I wouldn't mind being with him though. The thought of us together isn't half as bad.

Wait the thought of us together? Stop it you stupid brain. I ment as friends and-

If I were a human, would you still love me?Where stories live. Discover now