Chapter 63. Sleepovers.

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I softly awoke to the sun ilumanating its light against the window, and my face. I yawned, not wanting to get out of bed, after all, wasn't it weekend? I didn't hear my demon clock ringing, so I guessed it was, but then I remembered yesterday.

"Oh, I won't be going to school today." I mumbled, sitting up and yawning. The warm light and the soft blankets of the bed made it almost impossible to leave, but I left anyways. Why? Because I was hungry.

And so I slid out of the bed slowly, rubbing my eyes while yawning again. I felt so tired, but it didn't matter, Opera's food is priority, Opera's food is needed, its the best, and I want it in my stomach.

And so I looked in this new room, and went to the bathroom. I then brushed my teeth with a toothbrush that Opera placed, saw the change of clothes and decided to shower, changing into them after that. It felt like weekend, but it wasn't, wich confused my mind a bit. I then strolled to the living room, just to see Opera cleaning and grandpa reading a newspaper.

"Good morning, Opera, good morning, grandpa" I said, smiling slightly. Grandpa waved, smiling. "Oh, hello grandson." Meanwhile Opera put his cleaning equipment down, removing his gloves while walking towards me. "Hi there, master Iruma. Good to see you're awake." He said, looking at me with a calm in his eyes. "Y-yeah nice to see you too!" I said back, feeling awkward from yesterday.

"Now that you're awake, shall I make you some breakfast?" He asked, his face and voice monotone. I nodded, thinking about all the good food, spacing out.

I then snapped out of it, going to the table to sat down in one of the many chairs that stood there. All this time I've been here I wondered why there were so many chairs, and I still can't figure it out. There haven't ever been people invited to our home, exept for one of two people, and we never had a party, and even if we would we wouldn't sit them down here.

Maybe having two or three chairs feels empty? But wouldn't fifteen chairs feel even more empty? Its like there are people who were once seated here, and the chairs were left when they did, when they also left.

I sighed thinking about all the sad things these chairs might have gone trough, feeling bad for intimate objects again. Opera noticed I was feeling down, and tapped my shoulder after he served me some food. "Hey, whats wrong?" He asked me. "The chairs." I answered, pointing at them. Opera stared at me, heading to the kitchen to get something. Eventually he got back with a little white pill. "Here." He said. "Take it." He then added. I looked at him, confused.

"Im not seeing anything?" I said, unsure about my own answer. "I was just thinking about what all these chairs must have gone trough.." I said, sounding like a maniac.

"I understand." He said, continuing on. "But you haven't taken your pill today, and you should." He said, making me groan. He really will make me take pills for it, huh? I feel sorry for Ali, it must hurt knowing that people think you aren't real. I know I would be hurt. Wait if you're a ghost, would it be like that constantly?

I shook my head, snapping out of the random thoughts. And so I took the pill, to my annoyance and began eating.

The food, as usual, looked fantastic, and I ate till my heart's content. After all, why wouldn't I? It tasted awesome, was made by someone I think of as family and it's food. Even though I should probably stop thinking about Opera as family, since well.. Opera and grandpa want to send me away.

After I finished my food, I looked at the clock, and noticed it was already two pm. "Did I really sleep that long?" I asked grandpa, who nodded in response. "Yes, you did my dear grandson! I got so worried after what I heard from Opera about yesterday, so im glad you got some sleep." He said, smiling slightly. "Now, I'll get off the couch so you and Opera can play some games." He said, standing up. I looked at him in confusion, before yelping, seeing Opera next to me on the couch.

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