-- Extra 1. Valentine's gone wrong. --

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Since all of you got my book to 30k, enjoy this spicy little chapter. This is not something that happens in the book currently but something that happens after the book ends.

After the book is finished, this will move at the end of the book together with any other one-shot chapters I make. (If I make any)

This is not smut, although it will be nsfw, with a lot of (some heavy) kissing.

Yes this is my first time making this and yes it took me more than the usual 10 hours because I deleted this over and over again just to start again. (Its about 30 this time...)

Thank you for 30k and enjoy!


Where am I?

I had asked myself that, feeling my lips burn and ache slightly, my eyelids drooping, only half opened. Was I sick today? No, no it couldn't be. It must be something else. Where was I yesterday?

Yesterday... Well, yesterday me and Asmodeus had a sleepover at his house. It had been a while and so we had planned to do a lot of things together the days and even weeks before it happened.

And trust me when I say that we really did do so many fun things yesterday!

But what really did happen? I don't remember it at all right now.. I just know everything was a lot of fun yesterday. And so I sighed to myself, my hand reaching out to touch my lips wich ached. I then touched them slightly, and yawned afterwards, fully opening my eyes to get a few more clues.

And I did, because I discovered something.

I was laying in a bed, Asmodeus's bed. He was next to me, his chest bare, wich speaking off, mine was too. I yawned again, a conclusion hazily setting in my mind, making me stop while I looked again with big eyes and a heart full of panick.

Because only now that I realize that I am currently laying in his bed, staring at his half naked body while my neck and shoulders, wich are fully covered in hickeys, who by the way, throbbed heavily and viciously on my body wich wasn't even the worst because my shirt wich was supposed to be on me making sure not to expose my bare chest wich was tossed against the wall together with that of Asmodeus's, limply sitting there that I realize that something terrible must have truly happened yesterday!

If only my anmesia had dissapeared within seconds, because after what I found out I completely freaked out. What happened yesterday? What did we do? Why am I covered in hickeys? Why am I half naked?! Did we do anything?

And how did I even get here? Honestly I don't remember, but maybe if we start from the beginning I can find a few clues..
So lets start from.. in the morning, after I gathered my bag and necessities, driving to Asmodeus's house.

Yeah, lets start there;


"We have arrived!" Opera shouted from the front of the carriage while he slowly stopped the horses from moving. I looked outside to the house in front of me. It was a big white building with neatly trimmed bushes surrounding the black gate's. I looked next to me, where my grandpa was almost sobbing to himself.

"He is going to leave us.." He said to Opera, who had just sneaked in front of me. I just laughed. "Im not leaving, I'll just be gone for today, and then I'll be back." I laughed. "Its fine grandpa, really." I added while Opera opened the door for us. I quickly left the carriage, exited for the sleepover. Asmodeus promised me we could play games, so I brought some with me, after all he didn't have that many, he didn't care that much for games.

Opera handed me a bag, my bag, and walked me to the house while grandpa sobbed behind me. Eventually I was on the porch, ringing the bell excitedly, making grandpa sob more to himself. I didn't really mind that much though, because he was always like this, sobbing whenever I left him, or he left me.

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