Chapter 36. Bitten.

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Slowly my mind woke up again, and I could move my limbs. There was this uncomfortable feeling in them, as if I had been under some sort of electricity before. My limbs tingled. I noticed footsteps and rustling, a door closing. I could hear again. I could think again too, my thoughts were clear. Better than they were before. I then felt something next to me, slowly creeping on me, it felt warm, like the hands from before, but more. I opened my eyes.

"It seems you are awake, Iruma~"

I saw a face looking at me from above, his hands on either side next to my face. The face was Kiriwo. He looked down on me with a smile. "They are done testing you now. The results are quite interesting I must say. They just left moments ago, you see? My brother doesn't want you to see their faces. I have to ask you a question though." He said, a little more serious.

He then got off of me, and sat next to me on the white, cold table-ish bed. "Those wings of yours are fake, aren't they?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I said, sleep still lingering in my voice. "How late is it?" I asked, shooting up. I had to get back. Who knows how long they experimented on me? I can't let anybody know that this happend. Opera would be so upset. If I make him cry again I don't know if I can ever face him again.

"Its 3am, the witches hour." He said. He looked pretty happy, or well, content, better then before atleast. I sat next to him, my feet dangling from the table. Since he looks so happy I might as well talk to him a little. Nothing bad can come from that, if he gets unstable I'll just shut up again. And who knows maybe I'll find out what made him this fucked up.

"So.. what now?" I asked, not knowing what to ask. I didn't actually think that far. I should have thought more. Just a little.

"Well, now I can bring you back if you'd like. Though, I really don't want to bring you back yet." He said, looking at me. He seemed to be deep in thought, or maybe he was just tired.

I took my chance. I didn't think id get an opportunity to dive into his mind this early, because I only asked one question. "Why do you not want to bring me back?" I asked, looking away from him. "You are intresting." He simply stated. From the corner of my eye I could tell he was staring at the wall. I stared at the wall too.

Should I ask him more? Just a few questions? Or leave it alone? I could ask him why he hurts me, why he hates me or why he likes causing other people despair, but I think that that would be too direct. I really just want to know why though. He is just intriguing. Maybe I could just ask him?

I took a deep breath. He looked at me, confused. Kind of like 'Why did you kiss a frog?' kind of face. Maybe shouldn't have taken in such a deep breath. Also, do not ask my why I know that. I had a childhood too, just not that big of one.

"Kiriwo?" I asked. "Mhm." He replied, his look now focused at me. "Why do you hate me?" I asked quietly. He looked at me in confusion. He stayed quiet for a while, and then finally answered. "I don't hate you."

It wasn't the answer to my question, but it was something. He didn't hate me? Thats hard to believe. Especially with the way he looks at me. Its as if he wants to hurt me so bad that he just smiles the whole time he does. He probably does hate me and just never discovered. Or he thinks of me as a pet. Though, that would make him an animal abuser. Wait, can humans be pets at all?

"Why do you think I hate you?" He then asked me, breaking the comforing silence between us that I used to think and trail off of from the goal.

But anyways, its quite obvious that you hate me. First off, you stalk me wherever I am. Second off, you try to hurt me whenever you can. And third off, you look at me with those sadistic eyes of your's, and get bored of me when I don't look scared enough or act frail enough.

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