Chapter 91. Goodbye, Clara.

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I continued the feel a bit sick, looking at Asmodeus as I smiled back at him. I then forced myself to eat more in guilt, wanting the meal to be over already. Clara would be going, so why was it that I continued to eat anyways? I mean, sure I felt guilty that Azz and his mom got so much food in the first place, but I felt even more guilty that I was eating instead of playing with her, or having fun. I could be doing so many fun things right now, making so many memories, but look what I am doing.

I quickly finished a few more plates, before I felt too sick to continue. Asmodeus and Clara were also almost done with their food, so that was perfect. I waited while they were done, having thought of all kinds of fun small things we could do quickly. Once we all stood up, I smiled, beginning to speak. "So, do you guys wanna-" But ultimately I got cut off by the bell ringing in the house. I looked behind me, where the sound came from. The front door. Even worse is that immediately after David walked up to it, letting a green haired lady in the house. I looked at Clara, then at Asmodeus, then back at the lady.

Why did it have to end like this? Why couldn't we play a bit more? Why so soon? Why?

This isn't fair! Not at all.

I should have gotten some more time, just a little, so why? I don't want to let her go yet, I really really don't. I just.. its so incredibly selfish of me, especially after Asmodeus and Clara came up with this plan together, to make me less depressed and spend more time. I already got so much more time, so I shouldn't be this ungrateful.

David was getting Clara's stuff, bringing it down for her while we walked outside with Clara and her mom. "Hey, Iruma-chie, why are you so sad?" Clara asked. "Missing me already?" She then teased. I laughed, it wasn't fake. "Yeah.." I said, feeling a bit less sad. "I'll miss you." I then added, just wanting to be able to say it. Clara nodded in understanding, clearly thinking she was the best, because she was trying to fight with Azz again.

Asmodeus just ignored her, cursing at her. "Stupid Valac, he still chose me over you and your antics." He said, huffing. Meanwhile Clara her mother was watching us, laughing. Asmodeus's mother also walked with us, also laughing. "Ah, youth." Clara's mother laughed. "Indeed, so refreshing~" Amaryllis joked.

Eventually David had handed the goods off to Clara, who's mother took it from her hands. Clara then waved enthousiastically. "Bye bye, Iruma-chie, Azz-Azz!" She waved. I waved back at her together with Azz. "Bye bye!" I said, with a smile. She then turned around with her mother. We both kept waving untill me and Clara couldn't see each other anymore.

Goodbye, Clara. Im sorry.

We then all turned around, Asmodeus waiting to take me back inside while Amaryllis took the lead. "Alice, Iruma? Are you two coming?~" She asked. Asmodeus then grabbed my hand, and I nodded.

She might be gone, but while I can, I should spend my time with Azz. So thats what I did, I went inside with him, up to his room because he clearly didn't want to be talking to his mother, locked the door and sat down on the bed. I went to sit next to him, still holding his hand tightly. I hadn't noticed that I was still holding it, but he sure did. "Iruma?" He asked. I looked up at him. "Yeah?" I asked.

Azz seemed like he wanted to ask something, but changed his mind, before once again trying to ask. "Are you.. quite alright?" He asked, worry brimming in his eyes. "You seem sad.. you've seemed sad a lot." He then said. I nodded. "I am.." I said, before reaching out to pat his head with a sad smile. "I am sad, but its okay." I then added. He stared at me for a second, before getting embarrassed by me patting his head. "Because now I can spend time with you." I added, seeming to make him even more embarrassed. Though, I could still see a hint of consern in his eyes.

So to distract him, and mostly myself from the fact I didn't have much time left, I pulled him down slightly, putting our heads together. He was looking at me, half embarrassed, half curious to what I was doing. I then closed my eyes, cupped his head in my hands, and kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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