Chapter 87. Truth or dare?

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I took a deep breath as the movie began playing. As soon as it started it became chaotic, and not just in the movie, but on the couch too. "Hahaha! Look, look!" Clara laughed. "He died!" She then added. I nodded, my face already pale. "Would you shut up already, Valac?" Asmodeus then asked, sitting up a bit, wich made me and Clara both moved.

"Do you want snackies, Iruma?" Clara then asked, bringing a bowl wich was on the table onto her lap, before trying to put snacks into my mouth. "N-" I said, having wanted to say no, but not given any time. Asmodeus quickly snatched her hand away. "Don't you-" He began, before he was forced to swallow a piece of candy aswell. He crunched on it, seeming pissed before sitting up straight, fighting Clara. I put my head off of Asmodeus, sighing. These two can never be in the same room without fighting, can they?

It made me both a bit annoyed and happy, because I wanted to watch the movie, but they just made it so non-serious it was funny.

"Guys?" I asked. "Can you please not fight for just an hour? We can do this when going to bed." I then said. They, suprisingly, seemed to agree to that, with Clara even getting out a to-do list. "Clara, what are you-?" I asked, cutting myself off. She was writing it down.. "Clara, I ment a pillow fight..!" I then said, exasperated. "Why do you want to fight him so badly?" I then asked.

"He stole Iruma-chie." She then said, huffing. I then cried internally. "But Clara.." I began. "What?" She then asked. "Both of you are still my best friends, and soulmates." I said, whining. "He didn't steal anything." I then added. "Yes I did." Asmodeus then said, looking at me as if I was crazy. "He stole me, so all I did was steal him back." He then added, grinning to Clara, who was flaming.

"Then I will steal him back!" She exclaimed. "And how do you think you'll do that?" Asmodeus asked, daring her to, before all three of us jumped from a jumpscare on the movie. Soon after another piece of candy got pressed into my mouth before Clara continued. "I will sway you with food." A very powerful statement. I mean I doubt that would work, but I don't mind her trying that. Im kinda hungry, and terrified at the same time.

Eventually all of us cuddled again, having calmed down. Clara continued to feed us candy though. And yes, us, as Asmodeus only stopped when Clara gave him food aswell. I don't know why, he probably just doesn't want me being actually swayed by food. Not that that will happen though.

We then all continued to watch the movie. This time it was about zombies, a demon zombie apocalypse. I didn't think they would know the concept of zombies, but for some reason they also know vampires, so im not too suprised. I wonder if they know what ghosts are. Either way, it was still scary, with both Clara and Asmodeus knowing I was scared, wich was embarrassing. They kept cuddling me the entire time, while Clara tended with sweets and Azz with head pats. Is this how kings feel? Its nice feeling this way, but also really strange.

I leaned more into Asmodeus's embrace, Clara leaning more into us, before lying on the both of our laps, turning to chips as the bowl was empty. "Clara.. we have hands, you really don't need to feed us." I began as she started rolling around on the couch. Im suprised she hasn't fallen off yet. "No, its fun. I feed my siblings too." She then said. It wasn't supposed to be anything dark, but for both me and Asmodeus it put a bad feeling in our mouths, since she lost two of her siblings.

Asmodeus then sat up again, placing her on the couch. "Would you stop rolling already?" He asked. "No!" Clara said, laughing and rolling more, before she rolled off the couch and kept rolling on the floor. I almost wanted to roll with her, but decided to go to the other side of the couch, preparing myself for the fight that was about to happen.

"You little-!" Asmodeus began, before getting off the couch and chasing her. She then ran around in circles, Asmodeus following her. Eventually the both of them ran around the couch, Clara running and Azz following. I grabbed some snacks, and ate while I watched the show, ignoring them. They did this untill the movie ended half an hour later. At this point I was starting to get a bit annoyed. It was funny at first, but I wanted to cuddle some more.

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