Chapter 84. A visit from border control.

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I closed the door behind me, taking a deep breath before putting my most genuine smile up. "Good morning." I smiled, looking at Asmodeus and Clara.

"Good morning, master Iruma!" Asmodeus said. "Good morning, Iruma-chie!" Clara shouted happily. I waved while I stepped out of the front path, opening the porch and closing it behind me while I walked to my two best friends. "How are you today, master Iruma?" Asmodeus immediately asked, putting his arm around mine. Clara then immediately did the same, not letting him win the 'How long can you hug Iruma?' game. Yes, they gave it a name, well, technically not them but the class. I laughed slightly, the dark cramping feeling in my chest lightning by a lot. "Im alright." I said, smiling. "You?" I then asked back. "Im great!" He then said. "Although, without Clara it would be a lot better." He then snapped, looking at her. "Well without you it would be even better for me too!" She roared back.

"Guys.. easy now. Calm down." I said, sighing slightly. "No need to fight.." I then added. They both looked at me as if I was mental. "Are you okay, Iruma-chie?" Clara asked, Asmodeus nodding behind her. "Yeah?" I asked questioning everything. Why was I in the wrong from stopping a fight? Asmodeus then joined in, seeming very conserned. "Do you have a headache?" He asked, I slightly shook my head, taken aback. "Did you eat enough?" He then asked, wich I also shook my head. "Are you hungry? Do you need food? Are you nauseous? You aren't sick, right?" He then asked.

"Im okay.." I just replied. "But yeah I'm hungry." I then added. Asmodeus then speed walked me to school together with Clara who was trying to run and pull me faster. When we arrived they immediately burst trough the door, where Kalego looked up with pure annoyance. "You guys are early today." He remarked. "Yes, we know." Clara huffed, putting one of her hands on her hip while she hugged me with the other one. Asmodeus then began explaining.

"We wanted to let you know we're taking Iruma to the cafeteria to eat." He then said, before dragging me away. Kalego just waved his hand dismissively. "Take your time, even better if all of you just dissapear." He then snarled.

And so Asmodeus and Clara dragged me to the cafeteria, wich was almost empty exept for the kids that live here on campus, a few teachers, the janitors and kitchen crew. Basically, it was deserted. Asmodeus quickly asked me what I wanted, and got it, then rushed back to hug me. Not even sidewards, or by holding my arm, but hugging me, weeping. "I knew it! You aren't being fed enough at home." He cried dramatically, Clara joining in.

"Its okay.. really guys. And im being fed plenty, I just wasn't that hungry when I woke up, and now I am." I lied. I just didn't want to be there any longer, staying with people celebrating my goodbye, rubbing it in. "Are you sure you're okay?" He then asked again. I nodded, putting my head on his shoulder. Being cared for like this still feels weird, and I guess it will always stay like that, because I'll never get used to it after im gone.

"Are you tired?" Clara then asked. "Mhm mhm." I replied while waiting on my food. "A bit.." I then added. Clara then nodded sadly. "Do you need a nap?" She then asked, completely serious. "No, don't worry." I laughed. "Im not that kind of tired."

Clara nodded, seeming even sadder. "Oh, then what kind of tired are you?" She asked. "The not having food in my stomach kind.." I joked, wich made Clara and Asmodeus even more worried.

Once the food came, they then also both grabbed a spoon, scooping up the food to try and make me eat something quickly. First I pushed them away, telling them it wasn't needed, but they kept on trying and so I let them. And so I was left having to take spoonfulls of food left and right, wich felt embarrassing. The food tasted good, and I didn't feel sick when eating in the slightest, untill I realized something. This wasn't just the last time I'd see my classmates, it would also be the last day I'd see Clara. Luckily, when I thought of that, I was taking in my last bite of food.

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