122. A Full Apology

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to D.C., with thanks for all the support you have given me. Thank you!

While Mum changed Lindy into her new baby clothes, I went back to my room and tried calling Hugo again. I kept on calling, but only ever got the same message. His phone wasn't turned on. I could have left a message, but I didn't know what to say. I knew it would be easier when I could hear his voice on the line, but not being able to talk to him now was eating me up inside. It was completely unfair that when I finally had the chance to call him again, he wasn't there to reassure me.

I was also interrupted by stomach cramps a couple of times. I guess that I hadn't completely escaped the latest dose of that medication. It was painful for a few minutes each time, but never something that I couldn't cope with. I thought that I was already empty in any case; but that still meant that I needed to change my diaper before coming down to interact with my family again. And there I hesitated. Should I change back into my regular clothes, to enjoy the feeling of freedom again? Or I should I stay dressed like a little kid so that I could be supportive to Lindy as she started her punishment? Should I put a clean diaper on, or didn't I need them anymore? It was a tough question, that I wasn't quite sure I knew the right answer to.

"Sally?" Mum's voice came from outside my room, and there was a gentle tap on the door. "Can we talk? I still need to say I'm sorry." I opened the door and let her in, putting on a bathrobe as I still hadn't decided on my underwear for the afternoon.

"You don't need to say anything," I said. "You were right. If we just punished Lindy, she would have doubled down. Tried harder not to get caught next time. By letting her have her way for a week, she comes away regretting what she did, instead of regretting getting caught. I don't think she really needs punishment now. I mean, I hope that the realisation of how guilty she feels will make all the difference."

"I think she still needs you to get back at her for what she did," Mum corrected me. "Maybe you're being lenient with her, but she needs some punishment. She needs a way to feel like she's served her sentence, if that makes sense. So the guilt won't be hanging over her forever. And I did mean what I said: the next time she tries something like this, remind her that she's already crossed the line. I don't think it will happen, if her remorse is real. But we still can't be completely sure."

"I can understand that," I said. "And thank you."

"So, I came to apologise for what I've put you through. I think this is the only way I could have got Lindy to realise what she was doing, but it was still incredibly hard on you. And I feel bad about that."

"The babying..." I mumbled. "It wasn't really that bad. Even the thing with those... you know. It's only the thing with not being able to call Hugo that really hurt. And..." I hesitated, thinking about how the whole argument had gone down. "You knew, didn't you? Even for the last, harder, punishment. You knew that she did something to my phone."

"I guessed. A careless blunder like that just doesn't feel like something you would try."

"So I guess... you were just punishing me harder to make Lindy think it was real."

"Something like that," Mum admitted, and by this point she was looking down at her hands like a child being scolded, unable to meet my eyes. "I think for the last few days, she's been able to see that you're enjoying it, even if she wasn't consciously realising. I had to be more cruel, and I'm really sorry about that. It wasn't until she saw you in tears that she fully realised that this isn't a game. And I hate that I couldn't get to that point without hurting you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

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