Chapter 1

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Metanoia pov:

I checked the time, 3:07 am. "Oh shit im late!" I yelled hopping out of bed and literally flew out the door.

"Hey boss." I said out of breath as he looked at me. I probably looked like shit cause i didn't have time to do my hair, wait why do i worry about that?

"What took you so long" he scowled at me

"I woke up late" i replied gaining my breath back and straightening my wings

"Heres some advice, next time dont." He rolled his eyes "heres your next task, this ones quite tough, good luck." He turned away and went to go bother others with their tasks.

"Thanks, sir!" I say after him, then turn and walk out the giant glass door we have that leads to the balcony. I like going there because its the best spot to relax and see the sea of clouds and land underneath. Its such a breathtaking view.

          I'm what you call an angel, a suicide angel. I'm a high ranked angel so thats why Mr. O gives me all the harder jobs. Suicide angels, like me, help suicidal people learn the beauties of the world and help them through their issues. "Ah lets see" I muttered to myself, flipping though the pages, "her names Lucelent, thats a pretty name. She's 17, and has been bullied all her life but recently it has gotten worse. She has brown hair and blue eyes, she wears a hoodie and sweatpants. Converse sneakers." Hmm interesting. This cant be that hard.

          I fly to where she is. How do i know where she is? You may ask well Mr. O gives all us angels a watch which basically tracks our client. A little bit i should tell you is that only our clients can see us angels. I get to where she is and am immediately saddened by the sight of her taking constant kicks and punches to the stomach and head. I step in between her and the bullies until they walk away clearly weirded out that an invisible force (me) is between them and Lucelent.

          "You ok?" i ask sincerely as what i saw was horrible and felt bad for her.

"Y-yes I-I'm fine." She stuttered bewildered by the sight that i just appeared. "Uhm who are you, or more like what are you."

"My name is Metanoia, I am your guardian angel." I say guardian angel because it accounts for all us angels and i think it would be weird to say exactly what im her guardian angel for.

"Really? I never thought they existed."

Fuck it, "No, I mean sorta, I'm your suicide angel." She deserves to know, she seems nice.

She seems confused by this "What do you... wait how did you... why can i only see you?"

"You ask a lot of questions" i acknowledged.

"S-sorry." She stutters so much.

"That's fine, i have a packet of paper that tells angels like me all the info about our clients that lets us help them."

"What do you mean 'angels like me'? And dont you think thats kinda creepy?" Good questions.

"Actually yes thats kind of creepy but complain about that to my manager. And there are different kinds of angels, health, earth, suicide, normal, etc."

"That's cool.." She murmured. "Uhm so the bullies are gone, you helped me, you can go now." She clearly lied about me helping her.

"Nope, my goal is to protect you."

"Damn it" she muttered under her breath but loud enough for me to hear. I take back what i said about her being nice, shes a real bitch.

"So you mean that you just follow me around." She tries running away from me.

"Yup! But you know i can track you right? So running from me wont help." I say the 'yup' very enthusiastically

"Even when im changing?" She says expecting me to say no.

"I mean we are both girls right?" She blushed at that

"Why?" She asked the pink on her face calming down.

"Because you might try to hurt or kill your self. So thats why im here, to protect you and make sure you dont do anything."

"Oh." She whispered. "I'm not like that." With that i shoved the papers into her face. "Oh, right" she groaned. Clearly annoyed.

         This girl is gonna be a tough one, Mr. O was right, always listen to him. She will eventually warm up to me. "Anyways" i said trying to start another conversation

"..." oh she left... SHE LEFTT!?! I FAILED.

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