Chapter 6

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Shorter chapter, Lucelent pov:

We had a fun day. I like- i didnt mind hanging out with her. She gave me a sand dollar she found, i liked the gift.

As we looked at the sky i felt.. amazing. No contact- ok maybe we locked pinky's, but other than that, just laying there. I feel so happy. "Want some ice cream?" I asked breaking the silent moment, except for the ocean waves crashing in the background.

"Sure, lets go!" She says in her annoyingly amazing voice.

She orders strawberry ice cream with wafers and strawberry bits on top. I order vanilla (cause i a basic bitch), i get it with white and milk chocolate chips. "Yummy!" She says, her mouth full.


"Ha!" She laughed at me wailing in pain.

"Not funny." I whined.

"Is to funny."



"Fine." I chuckle.

We left after we finished eating our ice cream. We got in the car and on the highway when, "you uh want to see a movie?" She asked.

"Sure, what about Smile?"

"I have been wanting to watch that one so, sounds good to me."

We watched Smile, it was a great movie! Meta freaked the fuck out, ofc. I reassured her tho and told her its just a movie, she then relaxed.

"That was a great movie!" She surprisingly said after it was over.

"Even though you freaked out, but yea it was a good movie." I smiled at her.

We got back to my house and she immediately flopped on my couch. I put blankets over her and left to sleep in my own bed. Even though i had an amazi- great day with her, i still missed my bed, so i cherished being in it and snuggled into the fuzzy blankets i have.

I woke up with shock, fear, and panic. I had a nightmare. They are constant from the bullying, i dont mind them but they get annoying. I got up and got a glass of water, water helps me calm down after a nightmare. But strangely i noticed Metanoia was gone. "I guess she went out for a fly? I dont know how angels do that" just as i finished my thought I saw her, her eyes were puffy and red like she'd been crying. Just like the time i went for a walk and got bullied.

"Oh, you're up." She said wiping her eyes.

"Yeah, whats going on? Were you crying?" I sincerely asked, I mean I care about her, but its not like that.

"N-no, yeah. Its not about you i swear! I mean.. im sorry." She rambled

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I guess its time you know then." Tears welded in her eyes again.

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