chapter 3: pilotjinchurriki

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Don't own anything

Lex pov:

Were hanging around. I took a nap. I heard voices of visitors. I sat up catching my red xbox controller.

Lex: throw my controller next time .....

I felt some stares behind me. I turned seeing a beautiful woman with big racks looking at me with a blush face.

lex: hello there

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lex: hello there

Pheonix: yeah they don't live here on a floating indoor city, judging by their clothing there from this world not our world

Boomer: uhh what's going on?

Sailor: idk either but they wanted to see strider 2

Destroyer: so you have a name?

Tsunade: * bowed * i am senju tsunade. From village hidden in the leafs. I am a hokage

Destroyer: never heard of you. My names Destroyer strider 2

Pheonix: dude with the spike grey hair from before

Kakashi: so your two helped us?

Destroyer: yes we did. We detected a strange energy spike reading thanks to awacs long caster. Some mysterious voice asked me to help a kid with spikey blonde hair; so i shoot the missile that strangly coated with blue fire

Slaughterhouse: blue fire?

Tsunade: so your the guy

Destroyer: yep

Hinata: thank you for helping naruto kun Destroyer san. Where called shinobi

Mobius 1: a NINJA!?

Pheonix: THERE REAL!

Slat: not so loud

Destroyer: so hokage is it!?. Sounds like your mayor or governor prime minister & president

Tsunade: idk the workings of your world but your not off the mark

Destroyer: so why are you here?

Shikamaru: we as shinobi can detect chakra. We sensed huge immense chakra from you

Apex: you can sense chalk?

Destroyer: no he meant by ki or chi kind of energy. Okay can you sense it now

Hinata: allow me to

Her veins popped around her eyes. All of a sudden she almost threw up alerting them & us.

(1:10 - 1:15 only)

Fang: is she okay?

Tsunade: hinata san what's wrong

Hinata: i am ok i am ok. His chakra its OFF THE SCALE

Destroyer: yeah i Don't get it

Hinata: he has a tail beast chakra 2 tailed one matatabi

Shikamaru: BUT HOW!

Kakashi: he's more powerful now. Why yugito gave to him?

Destroyer: hold up. Who's yugito were from another world?


Garrison: so that strange phenomenon caused entire fleet including my massive ship. Everyone here can't really kill ourselves nor we can't Destroy our  vehicles bottomless clip unlimited fuel some ninja named yugito gave this kaiju  cat looking thing to strider 2.

Destroyer: so dimensional summon jutsu?

Tsunade: no we never heard of that. We know animal summoning

Trigger: so you never heard of it up till now

Destroyer: that explains gr guardian's disappearance. Did they stumble upon their world too?

Tsuande: so i guess i end up calling you a jinchurriki. Pilot jinchurriki

Destroyer: i still don't know what that means?

Trigger: well then you can go to their village & find your answers. He's not the only one?

Tsunade: yes isn't. The other one from our village his names Uzumaki naruto. Do you have a real name?

Lex: i'm hills sapphire lex. I'm from republic of ustio. Grew up in osea. I am former ustio air force black ops operator

Kakashi: like anbu

Lex: still don't know what that is. Well its boring here so. Send me the location. I'll be there in seconds

Trigger: actually lets go today

To be continued:


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