chapter 24:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Back on the titan. In lex & tsunade's room. Soon to be married couple sound asleep. Lex wakes feeling extremely soft plump body of tsunade sleeping on his left shoulder, he sat up Tsunade woke up from his movement.

Tsunade: hey~

Destroyer: how long we been asleep?

He layed back down

Tsunade: idk.... i thought i wasn't tired myself * looks at his phone text * shizune confirmed. Danzo is dead

Lex: trying to be hokage & look what happened

Tsunade: would you like to know more?

He gave his smart phone to her. Photos from strider 4 boomer. Sasuke got the perfect susanoo, lex already has a perfect pure red susanoo.

Tsunade raised a eyebrow stare at the photos strangly way.

Lex: alien invasion. You have aliens now?

Tsunade: nani?


Karin woke up in a osprey. Strider 4 boomer Strider 6 pheonix & kakashi & others riding with them.

Boomer: easy. You be under our custody. Your not under arrest

Karin: are you a ninja?

Boomer: nope fighter pilot. Your answers will come

Skyler: your okay with us taking her kakashi?

Kakashi: you have a better humane than us. Our world is backwards you know

Naruto: aren't you osean?

Pheonix: no i'm usean. Boomer here is south belkan

Ninjas look at him

Boomer: i know what your thinking

Kiba: we know your past vince. Arigato for going down a good path

To be continued:


naruto shippuden: skies unknown reboot Completed Where stories live. Discover now