chapter 37:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Titan predicted madara showing up. Ofs super gargantuan battleships turned their guns to the target, raikage named A & tsunade noticed that.

Raikage: they moved

Tsunade: that must mean

Long caster: << all aircraft be adviced. Madara just arrived. Sending enemy analysis from the titan's computer >>

Destroyer: << naruto & gaara are there. Going to assist >>

Destroyer pov:

Tsunade: << HEY LEX KUN DON'T >>

I turned it off. I flew ahead to the fight. Osean army & erusean army helping allied shinobi to take out one guy.

he seems shocked about our army firing at a distance. He got his susanoo out, i got mines out forming around my cfa. Firing large chakra shaped cruiser missiles.

I deactivated my susanoo used inferno missiles coated with two tail chakra energy. Multiple explosions rocket the area i seen him jumping right at me so i post stalled.

point my nose at (his face shows shocked looked) i fired my gun him & i used rinnigan.

Madara pov:

" he has rinnigan eyes too & completely perfect the susanoo & he has tail beast too. What the hell is he flying? " i thought.

I absorbed the kid's attack but was unable to block something that hit me hard i instantly recovered. I used my jutsu to summoned two large meteorites.

Author pov:

Hurricane detected two large meteorites about to him them. Everyone is ordered to evac area. Hurricane super Missouri & EF6 fired gigantic guns.

Cloned jutsu naruto jumped on a osean m1 abrams tank he knocked on the hatch, it opened see a tank commando.

Cloned Naruto: HEY LET ME IN

Tank commander: oh ok HEY WATCH IT

He lets him inside. Seismic shells blew up two meteorites.

mu (kabuto) & madara got blown away.


Lex landing seeing some of ninjas are okay.


Destroyer stare at her. Onoki forgotten he can't order around a pilot from another world. Lrssg & other known aces will keep out of this one.

Destroyer: go home. Ten tails was never summoned. I'm not gonna kill madara. Black zetsu is the one i need to kill

Tsunade sees him on main monitor. Garrison stops her. Madara sees lex. He jumped down, madara hits the cfa but to his shocked it backfired.

Lex: jutsu yugito did summoned me & everyone else gave me the tail beast Matatabi & shisui's sharigan two a point i ended up having rinnigan. Jutsu made allied osean coalition & the vehicles weapons we made not destroyable & immortal.

Madara: hmm. Does anybody tell you, you bark too much

Destroyer: yeah i know 😅

Madara move fast but strider 2 kicked him so hard to face making tsunade & mei jaw dropped.

(1:42 - 1:48 only)

Destroyer: i figured if i land here, i can give you a proper fight. Used that jutsu of yours to make you alive. But i won't kill you. Black zetzu is using you to revive kaguya. You & obito are just puppets to her cause. Black zetsu is the true cause to make all of you fighting each other. You're planet is invaded by alien ninjas from the moon. Basically they are

Madara: convinced me shinobi

Destroyer: i am not a shinobi. I am a fighter pilot

To be continued:


naruto shippuden: skies unknown reboot Completed Where stories live. Discover now