chapter 34:

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Don't own anything

Trigger pov:

Some of the army of shinobi are headed back home. Airbase/campsite. I texted my first girlfriend konan i will ended up being late i had to brief my squadron at the camp site about the next mission.

Planes are lined up in roles. Some of the pilots are catching some zs as the shinobi of 5 nations guarding the jets soldiers of our world are hanging around with the shinobi.

Leaf shinobis watch ground crew checking the jets since yugito made our stuff immortal like us.

Ground chief: hey dude shoots some fire at itc

Leaf shinobi: won't that blew up?

Ground chief: just do it

He did a fireball after hand making signs right at the a10's bombs but no explosions.

Ground chief: see told ya


Leaf shinobi scratching his head cheif throws at million bucks to him. I got in lrssg camp i told them the next mission.

Trigger: where moving to the next objective to the desert area where gaara onoki's unit is. Reanimated shinobi will be there too. Also thanks to lex's intel kabuto has the body of madara uchiha

Destroyer: i'll fight madara. To get him on the good side

Shizune: your nuts you know that

Lex: you have no problem Tsunade fighting him. Glad obito didn't trick you guys

Trigger: dismissed

To be continued:


naruto shippuden: skies unknown reboot Completed Where stories live. Discover now