chapter 18:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Strider team is on standby due to planet wide range radar detection of enemy gr guardian fighters where akatsuki's main base & somewhere in the ocean on the upper area where other enemy fighters there.

Lex: so shizune has been gettng closer to you phoenix

Phoenix: we ended up going out anyway so

Boomer heard someone coming. He moved out the way. Door opened automatically shizune rushes in glomped on skyler pilots giving WTF looks.


Trigger: easy easy

Mobius 1: you been running all the way to the village getting aboard the titan!?

Lex: why are you crying?


Timeskip Destroyer pov:

Jiraya died giving intel about pain. We got him & Kanon on tracker. So its turns out Jiraya tsunade & orochimaru knew him kanon & nagato since they were kids.

Naruto looking very depressed walked passed me. Without saying a word. Kakashi sai & sakura walked to me.

Kakashi: she needs you

Lex: i know. I'm sorry for your loss

I walk in close the door & shut it locked it. Tsunade ran up to me & tackled me to a bone crushing bear hug, she fell apart crying very loud even though she tried holding it in.

We sat on the floor behind the front door i hold her as she cries & screams

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We sat on the floor behind the front door i hold her as she cries & screams. Carrassed her soft blonde hair.

Now i know how cipher my older brother feel when i died then coming back to the livingworld as a half android.

She not still has her friends she has me as her lover. Its been hours now its almost evening so the second time she needs to be away from anybody right now. So i carried her bridal style to the titan.

Lex: yamato. I'm taking her off world. Garrison will look over guys she needs a week off

He nodded & bowed.

Timeskip author pov:

Tsunade wakes up. In a unfamiliar room. Bedroom. She looks to right then moving the comforters but ended falling on the floor of the bed. She's used to sleeping on the floor with cushions & mats.

Tsunade: this isn't a cushion & mat. Where am i

She looked out the window. Then walking down stairs. Hearing something in the kitchen. Lex is cooking.

 Lex is cooking

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Lex: morning

Tsuande: morning. Where am i?

Lex: my house. Took you off world via dimensional portal. Yugito's dimensional jutsu caused titan's portal drive within the carrier so we can jump to our world. You need a week break till things calm down

Tsunade pov:

I looked at large tv screen he had & everything else. Map of a country. Called ustio.

Lex: welcome to our earth

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Lex: welcome to our earth. First shinobi to ever crossover here. This lounge house is owned by me. Cipher used to live here before he bought a house far away from here. Made you breakfast before i take you sightseeing

To be continued:


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