chapter 11:

69 2 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Strider 2 destroyer sight seeing alone. Hearing of osean f16s & emmerian f14s flying overhead. Lex heard naruto talking to someone. He looked at his direction but he moved fast dodging something jumped on him.

Lex: the hell?


Destroyer pov:

2 biggest frogs looking at me in curiosity. I put my gun away just jaw dropped.

Gamakichi: pilot?. Oh you mean he flies those very fast machines we been seeing around here

Lex: giant talking toads .....

Naruto: sorry they sense your immense chakra. This is gamakichi & gamatatsu

I saluted

Gamakichi: hey there flyboy

Gamatatsu: so yugito gave Matatabi to you before her death & summoned entire fleet of outworld gigantic ships without sails

Lex: heh heh your well informed. So this world has giant talking animals

Naruto: both of our tail beast can talk like yours how you helped me

I was watching these two toads training with him. Learning their way of shinobi even though i am a airmen.


At night few days ago. Naruto & the others need our help. Another tail beast is out of that kid is causing a fog or some kind of fog.

Cyclops squadron led by count. Me & trigger taking off on our f22 raptors. Tsunade came to my hanger.

Tsunade: its creating some kind of fog to hide making illusions. Details just came from marines on ground helping them

Destroyer: roger that

We kissed each other. She slap her hand on the canopy & it closed. I taxied to the runway & took off.

(theme starts playing in the background)

trigger: << lrssg listen up. Don't kill big fella. There gonna try to seal it >>

Count: << righto. So devil dog first time flying with you. We been on break for sometime. I heard you got outstanding record. Most of it is covered in black ink though >>

Destroyer: << uh huh. Don't slow me down out there like you did back in your 444 days >>

Cyclops 2 Huxian: << already liking this guy. Rest of strider is off duty huh >>

Trigger: << we don't need that kind of squad to deal one objective. Me & strider 2 will provided air to air. You guys deal with air support. Gr guardian might send stealth aircraft in their AO >>

To be continued:


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