chapter 32:

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Don't own anything.

Author pov:

Mobius 1 had to land for rest. Even though unlimited ammo & fuel but still he got tired of flying all the time. His secret girlfriend kurotsuchi fired the flare for him he landed his jet.

Iun pkf secured the landing site & ninjas of the hidden stone put blocks underneath the wheels. Secret couple shared a kiss.

Kurotsuchi: we got deidara 

Mobius 1: crazy guy supposed to be dead?

Kurotsuchi: (sighed) you wouldn't understand

Mobius 1 can tell she looked tired. He grabbed her took her to camp site.

Kurotsuchi: あなたは何をしている?

Mobius 1: i did not understand what your saying

Kurotsuchi: i said what are you doing?

Mobius 1: you need rest. Hey GUYS WHERE RESTING

Kurotsuchi blushed: NANI!?

He took her to the tent they layed together. Kurotsuchi is extremely embarrassed she felt exhausted her eyes shimmering.

She cuddled up to him & fell asleep.


Admm hit white zetzus & gr fighters. Unlimited admms.

Matatabi: your missiles never run out do they?

Destroyer: nope. Never understood why yugito would do this

Matatabi: this sector is clear. This 4th shinobi war will be over soon. Battlefield C is clear.

Destroyer: its been 5 days since i haven't seen Tsunade

He landed on the outpost both worldly nations set up. As he goes to eat he got pulled by the back of his color tsunade greet him with a nice kiss on the lips.

They ate dinner.

To be continued:


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