chapter 7: Tsunade's first dogfight

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

(theme starts playing in the background)

Destroyer: << tsunade you okay back there? >>

Tsunade: << i'm well arigato. This is amazing i never been up this high before >>

Long caster:

<< strider 2. Late for lunch. Targets are marked. Keep them away from our newly large fleet you may kill or drive them away >>

Destroyer: << copy that. How can i use my tail beast chakra. I seen what you few people can do, But i'm a combat aviator >>

Tsunade: << that's what I'm here for. Concentrate like you always do. >>

Destroyer: << roger that >>

(Theme ends)

(Song starts playing in the background)

Destroyer select 1 targets fired two missiles.

He zoomed passed his & hers kill.

Tsunade pov:

So their not immortal too & their jets can be destroyed. I noise from this jet.

tsunade: << WHAT IS THAT? >>

Destroyer: << missile alert. Who's BEHIND US >>

I looked behind jet tailing us. He shoots a missile

Tsunade: << MISSILE IN THE AIR! >>

Destroyer: << hang on >>

We dived down as i keep my eyes on the missile he sharp left making the missile hit enemy wingman.

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