chapter 8:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Next morning. Lex woke up, extremely soft body he felt. Looking to his left. Tsunade sleeping next to him at his new barracks at new arrows base under the covers.

" we haven't did the deed yet, she's just awarding to " his thoughts interrupted when super ninja woke up smiled carrassed his cheek.

Tsunade: sleep well Fly boy?

Lex: damn right i did

Tsunade: not as dense as other males. You airmen have more time. Don't worry we haven't done anything yet although my body, my large chest is yours 💗

Lex: your asking for it💗

They did the early bird special.


Outside. Tsunade left but she left a note for her first outworld boyfriend in ustian language. He sat down with a plate of breakfast Cipher & LRSSG squadron sat with him with shit eating grins.

Lex: (sighed) we didn't do it

Cipher: oh come on its a cop out

Pheonix: that woman hadn't had any ass for how long

Destroyer: that's why i'm ......

Trigger: cipher didn't your little brother had a thing for women at her age

Cipher: actually she's 55

Boomer: why she look so young then?

Destroyer: my scanners indicates. Her chakra reserved kept her young. My scannings never resulted in her age. My guess is 55. Her injury from falling after i kicked her scratches & bruises are healed rapidly

Slat: so she's like

Pheonix: OH COOL. I'M not the only one so she's basically a super soldier shinobi

Mobius 1: nah, super shinobi, she's faster, destructive, reaction time, very strong, hot temper, good leader, she can able to easily handle high Gs.

Cipher: my little ace got scored by chick that is leader of this leaf nation

Cipher pov:

We got visitors. New faces besides Kakashi. They all stared at lex.

Guy: i am might guy

Neji: hyuga neji * bowed *

Rock: ROCK LEE * bowed *

Destroyer: strider 2 Destroyer. Nice to meet ya & my food is getting cold

Kakashi: yep this is the guy

Neji: so this " pilot " won the spar by one blow against her?. His red unatural eyes shows he's a veteran combat of the blue skies i see.

naruto shippuden: skies unknown reboot Completed Where stories live. Discover now