Who The Fuck Are You? Who You Is? Who You Be? I Don't Even Know Your Ass

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Aloria was falling asleep in class. She was so unbelievably bored. They were doing review for the upcoming test and she just couldn't bring herself to pay attention to shit she already knew.

"Girl, you gotta stay awake," Bianca nudged her.

"I'm trying," Aloria whined quietly. "Quick tell me something interesting to wake me up."

Bianca thought about it for a moment. "Mmm . . . I have a date tonight."

"Girl what!" Aloria yelled making Bianca face palm.

Everyone turned to them and the teacher glared. "Miss Yaldon, is there a problem?" Aloria shook her head rapidly. "Then maybe you'd like to tell me the answer to this problem on the board."

Aloria looked at the math problem and started doing it in her head. See, the thing is, Aloria actually liked math. She was good at it. Which is why she tended to have trouble paying attention in it. Going over something she already knows or practicing it repeatedly when she picked it up immediately tends to put her to sleep. The teacher didn't like that she was constantly on the verge of falling asleep so he always tried to call on her. But she always knew how to get to the answer.

"X equals 32.61."

The teacher nodded, clearly frustrated that she was right. "Correct." He went back to teaching.

Bianca giggled and whispered. "I can't fucking believe you."

Aloria glared at her. "I told you to say something to wake me up not give me a heart attack."

"Well, you're awake aren't you."

"Oh just shut up and spill. Is it the girl you've been messaging?"

Bianca nodded. "Yeah, she asked me out."

"So do I finally get a name?" Aloria clasped her hands together.

"Well, if you must know—" Aloria nodded rapidly— "her name is Sasha Davidson."

Aloria squinted her eyes in thought. She felt like she's heard that name before. "Do I know her?"

"I don't think so. I mean, she goes here, but I've never seen you two talk." Bianca discreetly pulled out her phone. "Look, this is her." She showed her a picture.

"Ohhhh," Aloria realized how she knew the girls name, "she's in like two thirds of my classes." But even as she said it a part of her knew that wasn't the reason why. "Never talked to her though. She's very attractive."

Bianca smiled at the photo. "I know right."

"Ya know, I'm starting to see that you have a type."

Bianca raised an eyebrow at her. "What type?"

Aloria grinned. "White people."

"Whatever." Bianca rolled her eyes and put her phone away. "We're meeting up in Jericho at 7." She smiled. "I'm really excited."

Aloria placed her hand on her shoulder. "I'm happy for you, Bianca. You deserve the world."

"What about you? What are you doing later?"

"Me, Wednesday, Enid, Skye, Fajr, and Addi are going into Jericho after our last class to buy some tech that Skye needs for our next plan."

Bianca leaned back. "Next plan? Bitch I was not informed we even had one."

Aloria rolled her eyes but her lips held a smile. "Wednesday got the idea just last night. Tomorrow they're calling the stalker and Skye's gonna trace it directly to their phone."

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