Sage and Jay: Pranking

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"I'm bored," Sage moaned, looking at the ceiling. "Jay, think of something to do."

"Oh, I did, a long time ago," Jay said breezily, waltzing in with her phone in hand. "I just needed a few, ah, suggestions."

"And what did you come up with?" Sage smirked, cracking her knuckles as Jay flicked her eyebrows up menacingly.

"Two words. Prank. War." They cackled, reviewing over the plans.

"So, who's up first?"

"Thor, who else? He's like Zeus, but nicer."

Sage and Jay staked it out, waiting for their victim. It had been originally planned that glue and feathers would drop from the ceiling outside of the lab, from when he met Jane for a small moment of couple-time. However, Jane was very territorial about her scientific things, so if anything went wrong, she'd attack, and sometimes even Darcy couldn't wrangle her, so you had to wait it out.

And so, Jay went to a crafts store and bought foam stickers, about thirty packages. The stickers, in question, were lightning shaped. The plan? Stick them to things.

The stickers covered Mjolnir, with a small Pikachu drawing drawn on the handle, courtesy of Sage. The bolts were adhered to Thor's pillow, his brush, the knobs on the drawers and closet, and a few ones on frequented objects related to Thor. And the best part? Thor would probably assume Darcy had done it, and would have no idea why the "yellow, red-cheeked creature" was attached to his stuff.

"To the next Avenger," Jay whispered, heading to Bruce's door. Although it was dangerous, Jay and Sage had decided to spike his tea with caffeine. Not a lethal dose, just enough to give him some more mojo. He almost fell face first into a dessert that Pepper had brought from a meeting, and Tony swore he saw green before saving the ever-so-zen doctor from the almost failure. And besides, Jay and Sage were reckless people. It was an extension of a mix of Tony, Bucky, and Spiderman. (Jay was still working on finding out who he was. She swore it was Peter Parker, one of the interns at some scientific community, but Sage said no. He was smart and talked eloquently, and did not even bat a mischievous eye at her puns. So no, Parker could not be the wisecracking superhero. Jay still says yes.)

Sage got the next one. Natasha Romanoff. She was out for the week, coming back the day after the prank. Natasha had said something about Argentina, but technically it was supposed to be classified information. But hey, who cared? It's not like Sage or Jay listened in on private conversations and gained blackmail, because who would do such a thing? Certainly not Sage and Jay, right? Right?

Anyway, Ms. Romanoff's bathroom was going to get covered in cheesy Valentine's Day cards. She hated them, and Jay knew that, after Natasha had judo flipped five boys in Jay's group of trainees for sending her little cheesy notes about their undying love. (She was called Black Widow for a reason, people!) Sage showed no skin for this operation, and made sure that every camera in the room was reeling the same film fr an hour ago. Unchanging, no sneaky Sage anywhere. Sage wore gloves, covered every part of her body except for her eyes, and slowly started. It was hard work, but she got it done. And then she got out of there faster than when there was enchilada day in the cafeteria.

Their next victim? Clint Barton, of course. Clint loved pranks. But, he hated when he got pranked. Which made it all the more fun to participate in such an event. So, Jay had come up with the idea. They covered his bedroom floor with plastic eggs. Some had candy, some didn't. And he'd have to go through all of them to determine what candy he liked and what candy he didn't, as Barton is very picky on which candy he takes.

Steve was the last one to get pranked. Tony wasn't going to get pranked, because Jay and Sage needed someone to blame it on. (Jarvis had disabled the cameras, so there was no way to even go back and see footage. Hey, Sage was her father's daughter.)

Jay had a special plan for Steve the patriotic. It involved yarn. A lot of yarn, colored red, white, and blue. They also had posters of Captain America to hang up, along with the full American experience to fully display.

So, they got to work. Sage started hanging up posters, and putting the pie in the oven to keep warm. Apple pie, that is. His favorite and the most American pie. They snickered as the carefully worked, setting everything up.

The yarn was in use for spiderwebbing the room. You'll need tape and scissors, as well as a lot of yarn. You start with the yarn, and stick the beginning of it to a wall, and work your way until you're satisfied, without cutting any of it, and taping down the yarn to make your desired shape. Normally, you'd leave a prize to get to, but Jay and Sage were soulless, and thoroughly enjoyed making evil laughter as the cut off the end of the yarn, taping it down. The final touch was a sign on his door.

The Steve Rogers lives here! He has apple pie and a gallery of posters to share! Please visit!

A few hours later, the Avengers minus Thor were yelling at Tony, who was locked in his lab, and refused to come out, saying that maybe he'd do that to Steve and Bruce, but he would have never messed with Natasha. Thor was trying to figure out if Pikachu was giving him extra power with Mjolnir, and creating a storm in the middle of New York.

Jay and Sage had left the Tower after Thor had calmed down, and the Avengers still had no clue who it was, thinking it's Tony. Honestly, they probably should've guessed it was Jay and Sage, but seeing as how Tony would do the same exact things, it was hard to see past it.

"For the last time, I didn't do this! I was in the stupid meetings for a new update today, all day! Ask Pepper!" Tony screamed, shattering his glass of Scotch, the amber liquid running all over the table. Steve had tried to give him sixteen lectures on maturity and counting, and Natasha had sworn to kill him in his sleep if she got the chance. (Jarvis highly advised against it, but only because she couldn't get bailed out of jail. Tony threatened to donate him to a community college in New Jersey. Bruce admitted that Tony needed the AI system more than the system needed him.)

"Wait, the only person left who would have the same crude style would be....Sage," Clint said, sharply turning his attention to the direction of Sage's room as she froze. "GET HER!"

"To the roof!" Sage yelped, climbing to the vents. Clint may inhabit them, but Sage had lived here for a while longer than he, and therefore was a better vent explorer.

"Are you sure that's a good idea..?" Jay asked as Sage nodded.

"As sure as Fairy Fury is with his accuracy of shooting."

"Ooh, that's a new nickname!"

"Yeah, move it!" They started their trek into the vents, moving up until they got to the roof, looking out. It would be a long drop if they jumped, but Sage had a plan. "Jarv, is there anything you can do to get us to Shield?"

"Miss Stark, it is unwise, but--"

"Jarvis at this point I legitimately do not care. What is it?"

"You fly the ship." Sage groaned, before grabbing the keys out of the case. "Jay, you ever flown a Helicarrier?"

"They had us do a simulation--"

"Good enough." She tossed her the keys, pushing the button to activate the ship. "Fly us to Shield."

Jay uneasily strapped herself into the pilot's position, checking to make sure everything was alright, before starting it up. "Sage, we're not gonna make it in time, they're already running towards us."

"JAY WE ARE CRAZY GIRLS WHO DON'T NECESSARILY SOCIALIZE WELL, BUT WE KNOW HOW TO RECITE PERCY JACKSON QUOTES WORD FOR WORD. FLY." Jay frantically started the ship, facing it so it would run straight in the direction of the angry adults.

No more pranks. If not for the sake of angry Avengers, then for the sake of Fury's sanity.

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