Jay and Sage's Lemonade Stand

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It all started outside Shield. And how they made a lot of money, getting lemonade. There was pink, normal, raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry lemonade. Each cup was fifty cents, and more addictive than the last.

Eventually, Fury got wind of what was happening, and stormed down, about to curse out Jacklyn Willow and Sage Stark.

"GIRLS!" He roared, as Sage and Jay shared a look. They needed to either run or have a different plan. Sage had a different plan.

"Hey dad!" She yelled, pouring a cup of raspberry lemonade and practically shoving the thing down his throat, his posture relaxing as Jay gave out a sigh of relief. The last time she ran a cookie stand, Fury shut it down and gave all of his cookies to his niece. The nerve of her boss.

"Why are you running a lemonade stand?" Fury asked, looking at both of the girls with his one good eye. (Okay, seriously? How did he do that? Was it, like, a Director perk or was he just weird?)

"I needed more than my salary here, you know. The economy is worsening," Jay said with a sigh.

"We pay you enough so that if you went to Bill Gates, you would be his great niece or something," Fury said. "Now, why are you running a lemonade stand?"

"Alright, you caught us. Other dad refuses to make flying broomsticks for us unless if we give him money to do so. And, my bank account is being saved for something extremely interesting," Sage explained as his furrowing broke showed worry.

"Is there a boy I didn't meet and probably should?" He asked as Sage spit out her strawberry lemonade, Jay spitting out her blueberry lemonade, just for effect.

"MOTHER OF NORBERT NO!" Sage yelled, a few agents giving her weird looks."Jay and I are planning on taking a few vacations soon, maybe to Maine or some place that I haven't heard of. I think I saw a license plate with Saskatchewan on it, and I think that's some sort of place in Russia," she said, brewing more lemonade.

"Saskatchewan is in Canada, Sage Rose, Canada." Sage rolled over to Jay.

"I vote we go to England first," Jay said, grinning. "Take in the accents, be the horrible Americans to impersonate them, go to all of the museums, you little nerd, and go eat their disgusting and confusing food."

"Museums are cool," Sage defended, stirring the lemonades, "and I can get a flawless accent."

"Whatever, nerd," Jay snickered, getting up. "Now, I have to do boring agent duties, but that stupid Agent Dart got moved to my division, away from Agent Cush and Agent Hobbs," Jay moaned, grabbing a huge cup and filling it with normal lemonade. "I need this to get through the way of life," she reaffirmed, walking off to leave Sage alone with her Sage duties involving the lemonade stand.


"Tony!" Pepper yelled down to his workshop, hurriedly clacking her heels against the floor. "When did we allow roller skates in the house?"

"Never! Not after the party of '02!" He responded back, coming out of his work. "Why do you ask?"

"Sage has roller skates," Pepper said with a sigh, as she saw the camera footage. Sage was rolling by, swinging around rails and blasting some music that Tony would no doubt like, given his obsession with ACDC and Black Sabbath.

"I'll get her," Tony said, rushing up the stairs. "Sage!" She was rushing towards him, leaning heavily on a wall as she stopped centimeters from him, eyes shining with merciless guilt.

"Yes, daddy?" She asked, eyes hopeful with the dream that she wouldn't get a lecture. Pepper gave her a lot.

"You know Pep doesn't like seeing you roller skate. Wait until she's out and then disable the feed, and then have Jarvis notify you," Tony said as Sage laughed, looking up.

"You get that, Jarv?"

"Dually noted, Miss Stark," replied the smug device, as Tony sighed.

"Also, the floors get really scratched up, and when I held a roller skating party back in '02, I had to replace every floorboard in my house. So, no wooden floors."

"Curse the floors," Sage sighed, sitting down. I'm gonna roller skate to my room, though. I deserve at least that much." He nodded, but then gave a confused look.

"Your room is a floor up."

"I'm my father's daughter, I have a way," she said with a wink, racing past him as he shook his head, flinching as he heard a crash.

"Couches aren't made for jumping down from balconies on skates!" Steve yelled, as Tony snickered. She was his daughter, that was for sure. "Tony, your daughter broke a couch!" Steve shouted again, as Tony rolled his eyes.

"That couch was obviously not very well built, then!" Tony yelled out, as he could feel the rolling of Steve's eyes.

"Sometimes, you're so stupid," he said with a sigh, and Tony groaned.

"When was the last time you built a flying suit and hacked into Shield, and had the Hulk save you?"

"I punched Hitler in the face."

"Touche, bomb pop, touche."

By the way, bomb pops are white, red, and blue. They're also frozen. And patriotic.

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