You Didn't Answer The Bill Gates Question!

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There were a lot of things Jay and Sage weren't allowed to do. One of those things they had done today. It could be a bad thing depending on which day it was. It was a Monday. That alone should have warded them off, but they went into the battlefield without anyone else on board.

In all honesty, they had marathoned every Harry Potter movie and book over the weekend, so it was justified by like, 12%, though an argument could easily be made for 15.

It all started with the helicarriers. Jacklyn and Sage weren't even supposed to be within ten feet of a helicarrier without supervision. And it was four in the morning, and both had paint sprayers and spray cans. In the words of Jay:

"These babies are gonna be almost as hot looking as me."

Each was decorated with different drawings. The main one was decorated with sketches of the Avengers and Fury yelling about the dangers of leaving plants around. (Yes, he had to have a lecture about it.) The second one was emblazoned with Captain America shouting about "justice to the people" and how amazing his shield is and how it started everything. In his other hand, added by Jay, was a bombpop. Yes, the red, white, and blue Popsicle. It described him perfectly. Used to be frozen, was now a melting patriotic thing, who everyone loved. Well, except Hydra. They liked removing any flavor from their Winter Soldier pop and then making it into what they desired. The evildoers, as you could tell, weren't very good at being fake Popsicle salesmen.

The third and final so far was the skyline of New York, with a few added superheroes. Spiderman was lounging around the Empire State Building, eating a piece of pie on a web, Deadpool (who we all know exists) was teasing some children at daycare with a taco and a lollipop, and Black Widow was talking smack to a fire hydrant. It was early in the morning, they had strange dreams. Shield never issued a statement that Jay and Sage were normal by any means. They weren't, just to clarify. They were the good weird, not the "quick, hide everything valuable and near to your soul" weird. That's.....that's a topic to discuss later.

"Why are we such geniuses?" Jay asked as she wiped an imaginary tear from the corner of her eye. "These little ships look so fabulous."

"Do you think we ruined the invisibility thingy?" Sage asked, circling around the ships.

"Sh, we did good kid, we did good."

By that time, they both just went to the Stark residence, where it was customary for the people to have breakfast as early as six in the night. Yes, six at night was a breakfast time. Tony's theory was that it was breakfast somewhere, so he was doing them a huge favor. What that favor was, no one was sure, but apparently, it was a good deed.

After thoroughly washing themselves of evidence, they drifted off to sleep, only to be gloriously woken up by a terrified Fury scream. He had only screamed once before that, and that was when Loki tried to shoot him again.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SHIPS?!" Both smirked, rolling over. There was no proof. Well, not if Louis squealed. He manned the cameras, but he was cool. He came from Kenya, and had a deep accent, so they were good. Maybe.

"Run!" Sage yelled, holding the door leading outside as she slammed it. Louis, being all noble and crap, had formally tipped the can of precariously hanging beans fully, and Fury, if you looked at him, was so angry and red that he was about to refry the beans.

Jay and Sage walked around New York, buying some hotdogs and going into stores.

With a stroke of genius, Jay suggested they go to a fancy wedding dress store, mainly because Fury was banned from every single one, because of an incident on a red carpet that we aren't going to mention here. He burned two million dollars' worth of dresses, though.

So, Sage and Jay were trying on bridesmaid dresses, laughing, and then almost fainting at the prices.

"Are you going to be buying anything?" Asked the sort of helper lady, pinched expression on.

"Uh, no. Not if I want to blow my savings account," Jay said bluntly. "Then again, your hand soap probably costs at least forty dollars."

"It costs seventy five. It has real jade in it," the saleslady said proudly as Sage choked.

"Yeah, but where does your money go? Who even shops here, Bill Gates? I didn't pin him as a cross-dresser." The lady's eyes bugged out as she handed them their less than first class clothes.

"Just, just change back into these hideous clothes, and get out of my store!" She yelled as Jay rolled her eyes.

"Sage didn't get an answer to the Bill Gates question, you know!"

After they were forcibly removed from the store, the duo carried on back to Shield. It had been an hour and a half, so Fury should be checking in with a meeting or on one of the upper floors.

Sage and Jay snuck out, going up to Jay's apartment. It was decorated with a poster of the Avengers (fan made,) and a hat decorated with Sheldon Cooper quotes.

"Cool," Sage said, grabbing a bag of chips and ice cream. "You ready to ruin your soul over emotionally unstable television shows?"

"Does Thor love Jane Foster?" Jay asked, grinning.

"Then, in the wise words of Tow Mater, 'let's get 'er done!'"

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