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It'd been weeks, and Sage and Jay were bored. Jay was so far away, doing missions and such, catching the bad guy and saving the day, while Sage didn't sleep for an unhealthy amount of time working on a new project, something about Pepper needing a defense weapon. (Even though Tony had made over 40 for Pepper, Pepper refused. Said her heels were defense enough.) So, both were far away, missing the other. And although video calls were good, it wasn't the same.

Jay was now in Germany, last mission. After which she'd go home and watch movies with Sage and eat the contents of the fridge and be all happy. Screw the mission reports, the other agents on the assignment could fill Shield in about it.

As they got the last person of the scientifically dangerous group locked and packed up, she walked into the jet, sitting down on a bench and rubbing her eyes. Her sleep schedule had gone all wacky, and the only food she had had was a granola bar, and even then she had only had half of it. That was horrible. She couldn't wait to sleep and get back into the swing of things, where she could make a two foot tall sandwich and not get it confiscated.

Sage was anxiously waiting at the airport, jittery. She hated airports, never liked flying. But she would wait for Jay to get here and they'd go home.

Except a thirty minute wait turned into an hour.

Then an hour and a half.

And still.



So naturally, Sage was nervous. Very nervous. She paced up and down, checked the flight, and started chewing a piece of gum, almost eating the wrapping paper with it. Jay was supposed to be here, so why wasn't she? Sage didn't know. And she hated not knowing things.

Jay huffed as she grabbed her bag, slinging it around her shoulder as she grabbed the rest, walking out. She saw Sage arguing with the front desk, mouth set in a determined line as she did extravagant hand gestures. "SAGE! I'M SAFE!" Jay waved, as Sage ran over to her.

"Why was your flight late?"

"Had to make a stop for fuel. You wouldn't believe how many people will try to go on the ship if unattended."

They went home, laughing and chatting, the tension released as they stopped at a restaurant, getting a burger and a drink. They talked, shouted, and scared off some pigeons. They had a great time, and Jay talked all about her missions, even though technically you aren't allowed to do that in a public place, but it wasn't like anyone knew anything if they spoke in Latin. (Dead languages are always worth learning.)

And so, everything was okay, and everything was grand. Jay and Sage were happy, and it seemed golden. It wad a Happily Ever After so far.

A man looked into the window, breath fogging up the glass as his hands were positioned behind his back, breathing hitched as he took out a cellphone.

"Yeah, we found her. With another agent. Hmm? I'll have her in. Don't worry." Afterwards, he smashed the phone beyond recognition, walking away. And if you squinted, you'd see a skull with tentacles. The sign for Hydra.

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