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Jay had a high level of clearance. And this ticked Fury off to no end, because she had called in sick because of "feels."

"Agent Willow, how are you in here? Sage isn't allowed to hack your levels anymore," Fury barked at Jay, as Jay gave an eyebrow to the one-eyed boss.

"I have clearance here...?"

"Since when?"

"Since Kazakhstan, Director."

"There's no way that I assigned you to go there."

"I saved your butt many times, sir, including that mission. You must not look at who you sign up, because I've been on many."

"Jay, I have seen you take off work days for 'feels,' and to train for a hotdog eating contest."

"Hey the hotdog eating came in handy for Quebec! I had to beat the Alpha eater. Seriously, Canadians are the master guilt-trippers. Do you know how many times I wanted to donate to some charity and give away all of my worldly goods? A lot."

"You were in on Quebec? Just who the--"


"Oh of course, Steve has influenced you," Fury stated sarcastically, rubbing his forehead. "Just who are your parents?"

"Were," Jay said quietly, rocking back on her heels. "If you wanna be correct. Dad was Agent Zac Willow, mom was Agent Tara Willow. They helped with the Chitauri attack. They contracted that disease, and.....I was left to fill some pretty big shoes."

"I'm sorry for your losses."

"Oh gods, really getting into the chick flicks, are we? You make me barf, Fury. Ew."

"An apology of sorts," Fury said simply, fist slightly clenching. He remembered the former agents well. Some of the most dependable. But for lands' sakes, where did Jay fit in?

"Just remember that the Great Paintball War of '09 was entirely mom's fault." So that's where. Tara always was one for pranks. Fury chuckled, walking away.

Jay turned her attention to her assignments for the next few weeks. She'd gotten it easy for a while, feigning a case on Sage and being a bodyguard. But, now that stunt was over, and Jay had missions in Russia, Greece, and Germany. Great. Then, an idea struck. Why have a stranger agent help her when Sage could? Sage had lived with Fury, so she would've been in top level at Shield before she resigned, and the hacking would be done in two seconds.

"Fury!" Jay asked, panting. The elevator was out of order, and there were a lot of stairs to get to his office. "Can Sage come to my missions? There would be almost no time in hacking, and I know that she has to have training in combat--"

"Absolutely not!" Fury shouted, sitting up in his desk chair. "Yes, Sage is good at combat and computers. But I know how you two get. You spray-painted the Helicarriers! And, Jay, you punched an American icon in the face."

"It's not like Golden Boy didn't deserve it," Jay muttered, eyes turning a goldish color as she went eyes-to-eye with Fury. "And besides. Missions are serious. Sage and I can be serious. We just like doing fun stuff here."

"Unless you can get Tony Stark's answer, Sage and you aren't going to Russia as a pair." Jay smiled brightly, running off as she grabbed her cellphone.

"Jay, this better be more important than my nap. Seriously."

"How would you feel about going on a mission?"

"I would wanna do something fun and we'd be the awesomest team ever."

"Okay, I'm coming over, but apparently I need to get your dad's permission for this, or Fury won't authorize it."

"I can just hack the system. Not like Dad would know about it. Well, Fury. He never really kept tabs on the sort of thing anyway. But Tony....he'll be hard to convince. It's been a few months, and he doesn't like me going anywhere new without him."

"But you've been to Russia and Greece!" Jay protested, walking with Sage towards her father's office. "And I've been to Germany over twelve times. Dozens, Sage, dozens!"

"Yeah, let's try to convince Tony about this. I mean, it can't be that bad, right?"

"Absolutely not!" Tony yelled, getting up from his desk. "You can go if I'm there with my suit, Pepper, and we call it a family vacation."

"Sir, this is a mission where I'm eliminating enemies, I wouldn't count that as family bonding."

"Anything can be family bonding if you try hard enough!" Tony stated cheerfully. "I bonded with Howard for about three minutes when we made awkward small talk about Maria!"

There was an awkward pause as they all shuffled for a reason to go or not to go. I should go because I'd get experience with different cultures and gain more understanding to the people behind it," Sage answered, totally winging it and thinking WWPD or, "What Would Pepper Do?"

"You did not just WWPD that," Tony scoffed, smiling a bit. "You don't think I read your files? The last time you were in Russia, you managed to somehow get them to chant a botched version of a rude tune in English. You are not going without a good influence. And no Jay, you are not a good influence. We all know it was you who spray painted the helicarriers. End. Of. Discussion."

"Well, we tried, but Tony is more stubborn than Fury," Jay said with a sigh. "I would sneak you on, but....even that would be the most horrible decision I have ever done, and I decided to try to cause a rebellion in Canada."

"Ooh bad idea."

"Yeah, it was."

And so, with heavy hearts, Sage and Jay bid a farewell to the duo mission, but not without a few parting gifts. Sage gave Jay the latest updates on Stark tech, the ones so advanced that even Shield didn't have access to them for another year, plus a huge bag of twizzlers to eat on the way there. (Or at least until the other agents found out about them and put them away. Apparently having food on a dangerous mission is 'hazardous' and 'life endangering.') Pfft, whatever

In return, Sage got a couple of dollar bills for some books, as well as multiple ideas of what to build for Jay, because if you had a friend who could build a jetpack with her eyes closed, you'd probably want that jetpack and more. And Sage belonged to the most successful company since ever.

"I'll see you soon! Try to convince Sad Sack Stark!" Jay yelled over the chopping of the jet, bag slung over her shoulder as she gave a quick hug to her best friend, as Tony gave her a disapproving frown.

"Did you just call me a 'sad sack'?"

"Yup!" She ran to the jet, waving again before sitting in a chair and sighing. If only she'd managed to be Sage's bodyguard. That would've been, like, the perfect setup. Wreaking havoc on the lesser mortals, giving Fury ulcers, telling Coulson his fly was down in front of Steve, and blasting music from the rafters.

But if Sage had come along without Tony's approval, than who knows what wouldve happened.

(Hint: Shield would've been toast.)

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