An Adventure in Parties

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Pepper and Tony said that Sage was welcome to come down for their Avengers party, and she accepted the invitation. She heard Nat was bringing her chocolates. And you do not miss those, especially when she tells you she's bringing them.

It was casual, a warm breezy night, the wind coming up from the sea. Sage was nervous, as she wasn't well aware of mannerisms that were performed while at Avenger parties. Did she offer Steve a compliment on his Dorito waist line? Or, did she talk with Thor about Asgard? To be honest, she never knew.

Pepper was helping her get ready for the event, telling her about what was going to typically happen. Steve would drink water, and observe or talk to people. Bruce would be sipping tea and acting very quiet, Natasha and Clint would be talking to each other, Thor would be bringing his own mead, as everything else here was too weak for him. Needless to say, no one else was allowed to drink it except for him. Tony might be drunk or not. It depended on the night.

"You look gorgeous," Pepper said with a smile, finishing off the look. Sage turned around in the mirror, looking at herself unabashedly.

Pepper had picked out a red, long sleeved, button up blouse. She paired it with skinny pants of some fabric or other, and it made her appear taller in the party of adults. Her shoes were shiny black flats, and her hair was kept in its wild state, adding to her look.

"You look wonderful," Pepper said warmly, straightening up the top. "Boys will be chasing after you before you know it."

"Oh god, don't remind me. I just want to eat dip," Sage moaned. Yes, she had had a few crushes on guys in the past. But, unlike her wild personality, she was quite shy about her feelings. And she doubted she wanted a guy to chase after her. Sage was really lazy, so the guy would probably just walk. She could set up an obstacle course or- wait. This wasn't important.

She walked downstairs with Pepper, nervous as she looked at the Avengers. She knew some of them from Shield, but Fury dad didn't like family interfering with work, so she was on a lower level.

"Meet Sage Rosalie Stark," Tony said, a grand gesture being made. "My daughter."

The Avengers were surprised, having been told she was Fury's.

"Yeah, I was adopted by Fury, and basically this is my biological dad," Sage explained, as they nodded, still looking confused. "God, for a team who saved the earth from an alien race, you guys are slow to catch on," she muttered, Steve giving a glare, Natasha giving a laugh. Obviously, Sage and Steve were going to clash.

"It's a lot to take in," Steve protested, as Sage nodded.

"Not really. I've had more to take in Mr. Frozen in Ice."

"I see you got your father's senseless taste of jokes," Steve emphasized, as she stepped closer to his huge frame.

"At least I'm not the one who dresses in spandex and then complains that ladies give him too much attention, soldier," she retorted as he stepped closer.

"I'm sure you have nothing else better to do than insult Captain America?" He asked, as she smiled.

"Oh believe me, I could be stuffing my face with Natasha's chocolate and discussing the customs of ancient Egyptian marriage. Instead, Captain America causes an argument to break out like pimples on a teenager," Sage said, sauntering away.

"I can really feel the love between you and Captain America," Natasha said, arm slung over Sage's shoulders. "Its like you guys are so totally crushing on each other hardcore." Sage rolled her eyes, pinching Natasha's arm lightly.

"As if. He's like 95 years old or something. Hugh Hefner complex, way too gross." She laughed as his jaw tightened and I smirked. "Can't fight the truth, Cap." His fists were clenching and unclenching, as his eyes were ice cold.

"You might want to shut your mouth, Miss Stark. I wouldn't want to see you getting hurt." Tony was already walking up, eyes furious.

"Is that a threat, Capsicle? Because if it is, you're long overdue for a knockout," Tony growled out, fist clenching, setting down his drink. Steve stormed out as people looked at Sage and Tony.

"Eh, more chocolates for me. He needed to be taken down a notch from his high throne. Not everyone is going to adore him, or get what humor he likes. Seriously, I get that he's from the forties, but Fury is from, like, the twenties. And I don't see him still trying to figure out what humor people should do. No, he accepts there's some humor that he knows he's not going to like. Frankly, I don't appreciate people who can't laugh at themselves," Sage explained, popping a cherry into her mouth. "Besides, Agent Li owes me five bucks. You can win a battle with Cap without using physical force."

The party continued on, as Steve brooded in his room. A teenager, one who didn't know what the meaning of justice meant, what he had gone through! She'd been sheltered by Shield her whole life, most likely getting the best doctors and education money could buy. Sage had never known what true pain felt like. Oh, how he was wrong. So very wrong. But that was a different story all together, now wasn't it?

While Steve was being moody and all that jazz (though the old man probably didn't even know what that was either,) the rest of the crew was talking, laughing, and listening to stories about the others.

"Well, when I was a baby, my grandmother used to buy me the most ridiculous outfits for a baby. Most were used for fuel for a flame when I was six, I think, but there are some embarrassing photos. I think I once was dressed up in an exact replica of Wonder Woman's suit," Sage revealed, checking her phone. She loved telling embarrassing stories about herself. Most people hated it. She revelled in it. People would try and embarrass her with it, and she would laugh. She didn't mind that it was embarrassing, it had happened.

Tony had gotten drunk, and was stumbling all over the place as Pepper rolled her eyes.

"Tony, you're a bad role model for your daughter!" Pepper hissed, dragging him up stairs. Or, at least, trying to. He wasn't coordinated at all.

"Whoa, I have a daughter? Coooooolllllll," he drawled out, giggling. "Is she prettyyyyy?"

"Extremely," Pepper said, a clipped tone to her voice as he frowned.

"Toronto, we have a problem."

"W-what? What does Toronto have anything to do with this?" Pepper asked, huffing as she got him into his room, Tony passing out. "Toronto. I swear to, just, ugh, how do I even get paid?" Pepper muttered, heading back to the party. They were howling with laughter, hearing about Thor dressed in a wedding dress to trick someone. She hadn't actually seen Clint smile, or Natasha laugh, but tonight must've been one of those blue moon nights, because both were happening.

"Already got the picture, Pepper," Sage whispered. "Ah, they never are suspecting blackmail. I don't even think Thor realized I recorded about all of his story." Pepper was shaking with laughter. Like father like daughter, in that respect.

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