Chapter 13 - Crisis Management

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Asuka's POV:

''Okay, three! This brings me straight to the luck square.''

After all we decided to play the Game of Life together. We didn't want to break Yotsuba's request. Besides, we all need some fun after class. Not Fuutarou too, bruh fucking mutant.

We all joined to play the game, except for Itsuki. I thought it was a great opportunity to bond with them, especially with Nino. However, it hurt me that Itsuki wasn't there, but I didn't want to push her anymore since I'm pretty sure that I already said everything that needed to be said.

''HA! Asuka-kun, You owe me 750,000 yen!'' The ribbon trouble spoke.

''Dafuq? I haven't even rolled the dice yet...''

''I know, but the luck card tells me to take the money from the player on my left! So...Give me the money or you'll go to jail!''

''Fuck, fine.''

We all started with a million yen as game money and I lost 3/4 of it without doing anything. This gambling is definitely different from the ones on the computer. If this was a real gambling table, I'd be holding a gun to my head right now.

''Dice on you, Miku.''

''Hum!'' Miku nodded with a serious expression and threw her dice.

''Six, this brings you to the random event square. Pick a card.'' I said.

Miku took a random card from the deck and began to read aloud. Actually it's quite fun, you just have the risk of a meteor falling on your head and fucks your whole progress or choking while just eating grapes.

''Best friend card. It says I have to go on a vacation with the person on my right.''

''Ara~ That's me! I really needed a vacation, Thank you Miku!'' Ichika hugged Miku next to her tightly. Later, Ichika put Miku's head on her boobas and began to caress her hair.

''Uwaaaaa~'' Miku murmured in a relieved voice, as if she was enjoying it.

''My turn, heh. You may think that the dice are istastically equal, but it's wrong! If you can throw it at the right angle, luck doesn't matter at all.'' Fuutarou took the dice with a proud expression.

Honestly, the only good thing about this game time is giving me time for Itsuki to come. You may call me an idiot, but I believe she'll come, somehow... We have to take the midterms with all our power or the girls will fail. Which means that their father will fire us. It's not a big deal to me, but Fuutarou'll be ruined as fuck. As his friend, I absolutely cannot allow this, not a single chance.

Sometimes, I wish everyone could be like Kazu-chin. Of course, I don't mean cold, soulless and probably dangerous. Kazu-chin's memory is probably even above world standards, he doesn't forget anything he sees. It's a gift of God yet (At least we used to think so...), socially he's almost the same as Fuutarou but... The only difference is Fuutarou doesn't know how to talk to girls and Kazuma doesn't give a fuck about girls.

''4! Straight to the achievement card! Let's see... I have been very successful academically in the future! People offer me money for my inventions. I won 4 million yen.''

Interesting, I had no idea this game could give such consistent predictions or fate making fun of me right now.

''That's super cool Uesugi-san! I'm sure your wife will be ultra happy that you are rich!'' Yotsuba stepped in immediately.

''Who would want to marry a loser like that? Tch, he'll lose all his money in no time.'' Nino is trying to attack Fuutarou as usual. Geez, these two are no different than a cat and a dog.

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