Chapter 36 - Heartstrings

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Sweat, adrenaline and deafening applause. Do idols really go through this every time? When my song was over, I opened my eyes and what I saw caught me completely off-guard. The crowd that I see before had now doubled in size, and shouts and applause were rising from all sides.

I'm sweating all the way, and the adrenaline still keeps whole body on fire. ''Ryota-san!''

''Now that's what I call a concert, Nino-chan.'' He even dropped his guitar on floor and clapped. ''You were like Hoshino Ai...Well, maybe less dead.

"W-w-what should I do now?! I'm kinda stuck in here!"

''First, salute the audience.''

As he said, I bowed completely to the audience. I've seen the singers on TV do this too. ''...''

Did I make it? Have I said all I wanted to say? I don't even remember a few minutes ago because of the adrenaline rushing into my brain.

I look through the crowd to see Madoka, but...I can't see her. She must be close to the stage, but I can't pinpoint her among so many people just because the crowd is so huge. I have to get off the stage and go to her. It was nice to be an idol even for a few minutes, but enough is enough.

''I'm not suggesting you get off the stage yet, Nino-chan. If that's what you think.'' Ryota-san closes his one eye and smirk. ''Heh.''

''Why is that? The show's over.''

''Here's a tip for you on showbiz, Nino-chan.'' He lays his back against the stage wall. ''There can only be one result of such an amazing performance.''


''Listen to the crowd!''

I didn't understand what happened but as Ryota-san said I shut my mouth and started listening to the crowd, he's the professional musician here after all. 


''Encore! Encore! Encore!''

''Encore! Encore!

''Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!''

''Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!''

''Oh my god...'' I froze. 

''What do you say, can you pull another one?'' 

''I-I don't know! I never thought it would grow this huge. I can't, it's impossible! Nuh-uh!''

''Is that so?'' He cross his arms. ''Too bad for the lady in black.''

''Madoka? Why do you feel sorry for her? I...I've already told everything I wanted to say like you said.''

''True, true. But...'' Ryota-san points towards an area near the stage where swarms with people. Doesn't seem to be anything unusual about it; it's just very crowded like anywhere else. 

''What exactly do I need to see? It's just too many peo———...!!!''

I almost dropped that expensive guitar I hold because of what I saw there. She...

''Encore! Encore! Encore!''

''Encore! Encore! Encore!''

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