Chapter 26 - Calamity Fortune

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Fuutarou's POV:

"Raiha, are you okay!?"

Her teacher called me while I was still at the shopping mall with quints. I found myself at home without realizing what happened when I heard that my sister had fainted in the middle of class. As if Ichika's haphazard plan wasn't enough, now something happened to my sister...

When I barged in the room, I found Raiha lying on the futon, suffering from a high fever. Why now, after all this time...

''Yeah... Sorry to bother you while you were out having fun. Looks like I've got a fever...''

''Your health isn't the greatest so don't overexert yourself. I bought some stuff to help.''

''Thanks, nii-san. You're really the best, but I already took my medicine. I'm feeling much better than a few hours ago, so please don't worry too much about me."

''What?...'' As I was trying to grasp Raiha's words, my eyes fell on the medicine bag lying beside the futon. Same pharmacy bag I stopped by on my way here...

Raiha responded to me with a slight yet weak smile, as if she understood what I about to ask. "Well...Nii-san—"

"You're late, Fuutarou.''

His voice called out my name from the door as I was tending to Raiha's fever

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His voice called out my name from the door as I was tending to Raiha's fever. ''Kazuma? What are you doing here?"

''For the same reason as you. Raiha's teacher informed me about her situation.''

Wait a second, what? Why would Raiha's teacher call Kazuma? And how would they even have his number. He's not Raiha's brother, I am.

''Actually, when sensei asked me for my family's contact information, I gave her everyone's phone numbers, hehe. So that's why Kazu-nii was able to come and help me right away. Isn't that amazing, nii-san!''

''I feel like my dignity as a big brother has been broken...'' I turned to Kazuma, who was holding a trey. ''Were you cooking?''

''Raiha said she's hungry.''

''Kazu-nii's an excellent cook, hihi! Maybe you could learn something from him, Nii-san?''

''Kazu-nii's an excellent cook, hihi! Maybe you could learn something from him, Nii-san?''

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