chapter 20 ( part 2)

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20 minutes later.

"pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" kayla yelled in my ears making me swerve the car. ok breath Reed you can do this, i know i said that i'll be nice to her but she's really making it hard she's getting on my nerves but seeing her red face is just funny.

" Reed are we there yet how long again erhhhh i'm tired reed just tell me reedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd please tell me please please ok so you're ignoring me no problem i'll just say it louder reedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" she yelled really loud ok my vein just effing burst.

"kayla what the f*ck can't you just be mature and go with the flow god do you have to be so fu*cking childish all the effing time" i said with that tone of voice making her flinch i could feel my anger getting the better of me so i pulled aside and came out taking deep breaths i turned around and saw kayla there wiping the tears from her eyes urghhh f*ck reed i cursed myself and kicked a stone and then went back yo the car.

"princess i'm-" i was going to apologize but she turned the other direction. i sighed and continued driving for another ten minutes in silence. I stopped in front of the sign that marked no tresspassing. i came out of the car and went on kayla's side and opened it.

"listen princess i'm so sorry i didnt mean to yell at you please forgive me" i said and kneeled to the ground beside her and clasped her small soft hands in my large ones. she bent her head but i tilted her chin up back and stared into her blue eyes.

"reed why do you do this, you always yell at me and hurt me and expect me to forgive you" she said in a small soft voice.

"i'm so sorry princess let me prove to you how sorry i am, just give me your hand and i promise to show you" i said and stared at her intently.

"okay"i heard her whisper

"okay" i whispered back and kissed her forehead and entwined our fingers feeling the volts of electricity shoot up.

5 minutes later..........

we were now standing in front of the beautiful lake that always seems to sooth me and the moonlight and the stars just added to the beauty. i heard kayla gasp and let go of my arm and sun around making her dress twirl with her, she looked magnificient in the moonlight. she then showed me the brightest smile ever and ran up to me and hugged me, my body stiffened due to her bluntness and the sparks i felt but soon after i hugged her back and pulled her close to my body mmmmh i'll never get tired of her vanilla scent. after a few minutes she let go and stared at me, then i saw her blush and looked down. i smirked.

"awww princess did you just blush, i hope that all your thoughts were strictly pg" i said which made that cute little blush of hers deepen.

"oh shut up you pig, anyways where did you find this place"

"one day i was taking a stroll and being the badass ia i went in because i saw a no tresspassing sign and since then i always come here to cool off " she nodded but continued to look at the scenery

"why'd you bring me here" she asked shyly.

"i'll tell you in time princess in time" was all i said and then i started stripping.

"what the hell are you doing!" she exclaimed and covered her eyes. i walked close to her chest touching. Her breath hitched. I felt a wave of desire flow through me.

"going for a swim join me beautiful" i whispered making her shiver. i smirked knowing that i had that effect on her.Her face flushed red.

"i can't i don't have any clothes and besides the water must be freezing" she replied softly.

"are you wearing underwear" Her face flushed more if that was even possible, i just let out a low chuckle.

"y-y-ye-ss" she breathed out making her sound so irresistible control the hormones dude but damn he sounded so hot imagine how she would sound when she- okay i would need a cold shower tonight proberly too because it's so hard to not just kiss her till she is freaking breathless.

"well then you do have clothes" i said and shrugged.

"yeah no i'm not gonna be walking around in my underwear in front of you"she said with some sass. ohhhh me likely that tone of her voice.

"well you will be sonner or later baby proberly even without the underwear too" i whispered in her ears and kissed it mmmmh it tastes as good as it lookes.

"you have to stop doing that to me" she whispered back i backed back and looked at her intently well away what she was talking about but i chose not to go into that conversation today so i ignored her and sighed.

"you know what why don't you strip to your underwear and put my shirt over it"i said and she signed but nodded and i knew then that she really wanted to talk about what i keep doing to her, and i will but in timing, i hate doing this to her, and i know i should stop but i just lose control when i see her.

"i'm done" i heard her say and i turned around and lifted her up bridal style and ran towards the water while she continuously yelled to put her down and i did just in the icy cold water. we stayed for awhile adjusting to it and then she said that it was nice and relaxing, we talked and we also played 20 questions and i got to know more about her and vice versa. we laughed and it was just nice being her with her, making her laugh and staring into her beautiful eyes but that's not all she was also looking hot in my shirt and i just lost it i have to make her mine and show all those men that she only belongs to me and no one else, no one can look,touch or fu*king flirt with her or they're dead meat.


so what do you guys think.................

guys please give me some feedback so i would know if it's good.

love always,


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