chapter 10

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Next morning

knock knock the sound of somebody knocking on my door woke me up from my sleep .

''come in'' I said rubbing of the sleepiness of my eyes .

''hey sweety'' my mom said

''hey mum''

''um actually I have to tell u some news''

''really what is it''

''actually my aunt from new jersey is in a coma so we have to go see her but you'll have to stay here for school so it'll just me ypu home ''

''oh I hope she gets better ''

''yeah me to''

''wait when are u guys going''

''tonight sorry for telling you last minute''

''it's fine mom''

''now get up and get ready for class''th

''actually I only have one lecture today and that class starts at one so I'll be home today''

''ok well I'll just leave for work your father has anyways''

when my mother left I could'nt help but  recall yesterday's incident I mean that was a major bomb they dropped on me and reed oh god reed  why did it have to be him there I mean I'm already tensed and he'll just add to my problems but I mean he really did look hot all serious and demanding like , this job really suits him don't u think a mysterious bad boy works for a gang an- damn stop thinking about him kayla but really what are they really I forgot to ask reed since  I couldn't speak when he was that close to me oh shut up u know you all would've been the same cause no matter how much the guy frustrates me and makes me want to kill him , he is still hot and when I say hot I mean like more than taylor lauthner kind of hot and that dude is hot so u could imagine where I'm coming from he's like o- see there I go again with this reed talk I mean my family and I are in a huge crisis and here I am explaining how hot reed is I mean like what the hell is wrong with me.......

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