chapter 21

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Reed's pov.

After we had our fun in the water we changed into some of the clothes i had in my trunk, kayla by the way looked hot in my shirt and sweatpants.

we are currently laying on the roof top off my car just looking at the stars.

"reed will the people really kill me if they find me " i heard her scared voice asked. that brought me back to reality what if something really happens to her. no reed think positive nothing will happen to her as long as i'm here.

"no princess nothing will happen cause i wont let them even take a glance at you" i replied back honestly.

"reed to tell you the truth i'm scared shitless, i'm scared that i lose my family, my best friend, i haven't even talked to my best friend in a long time so she proberly hates me by now and- wait why am i telling you this i forgot you are my biggest enemy you must be waiting on an oppurtunity to tell everyone about how messed up my life is" she said with a bit of an edgy tone. ouch that one surely hit the heart.

"princess what are you saying i would never ever do that, i admit i said things to you back at school but i never meant for them to hurt you, i just did that because it was fun bickering with you" i said wholeheartedly wait wholeheartedly, this girl is surely changing me.

she just stared at me and then looked up at the stars. time to break this tension in the air.

" so enough of this sappy stuff, tell me miss goody-goody how were you in high school, wait let me guess big dorky glasses, braces, sweatpants, teachers pet, straight a student, and you my friend proberly ate at the back og the cafeteria, am i right." i said smuggly. she just smirked why did she smirk.

"well mr. bad boy you're in for alot cause yes i proberly was the teachers pet, a straight a student but i was also the most popular girl at westfield, i was the it girl, i wore skirts and heels oh and fyi i was the head captain of the cheerleading squad" my jaw was wide open she-she-she was popular. i just burst out laughing.

" now now princess it isn't good to lie"

"who said i was laying you dipshit" she glared . oh my god she looked scary but adorable.

" ummmmm...... um....... i didnt say you were i just i- i didnt mean -" she cut off my rambling by bursting out laughing.

"ha ah ha ha you were- you were scared of me you should of seen your face, ha ha ha the bad boy who holds a gun and threatens people is afraid of a 5 foot 2 girl that is like epic i should of taken a pic." she said between laughter.

" i was not" i mumbled
" whatever you say bad boy whatever you say" she said and looked up i continued to look at her beautiful face while she looked at the stars with her sparkling in the moonlight, she suddenly sat up and widened her eyes, i looked up and saw a shooting star.

"omg reed look at how beautiful it is let's make a wish" i wanted to say not as beautiful as you but i held back myself. i nodded and i saw her eyes close, i stared at her for a while, until i saw her slowly opening hers so i closed mine and made my wish before the star went away. when i opened my eyes i saw her looking at me with a smile she instantly flushed red and looked away and laid back down.

after talking for a few minutes with her i saw her eyes starting to drope and then i felt her head on my shoulder. i then climbed down making sure her head was in a comfortable position first and then took out the blanket i had and layed it on the ground and then put my bag on the ground so that her head will be comfortable. after i finished putting everything facing a certain direction where the sunrise is beautiful i stood on edge of the passenger seat and reached up and gathered the beauty sleeping in my arms, one thing for sure is that kayla is really light, seriously i didn't even need to use any sort of strenght to lift her oh and by the way don't even ask how i got kayla from the roof top all you need to know is that i got skill and the muscle something most guys don't.

i felt kayla stir when i put her down on the blanket but she then snuggled up into a tiny ball, i put my jacket on her and layed down next to her and kayla immediately snuggled close to me making me feel the sparks and tingles i always get when she touches me, i inhaled a large sum of air smiling at the vanilla scent i received and pulled her close, sleeping away with a smile on my face, something that never happened in a long while.

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