chapter 36.

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I awoke to the sound of crying. I immediately jolted up remembering my child. I shot up from the bed looking around the room frantically. My body still ached ALOT!

I looked and saw my son crying while Reed held him,he lookes so tiny in reeds arms while,Reed looked scared out off his mind, his eyes were wide as he patted the baby's head gently, what the hell is he doing! He held the baby at a distance and looked at it wide eyed while muttering a few curse. Oh no! He didn't just curse in front of my son.

"What the hell are you doing to my son!" I exclaimed and Reed spun around coming towards me.

"He's crying and I don't know what to do, he's just crying and did I mention I don't know what to do!" He rushed out with his eyes wide looking scared.
He gently placed him in my arms and it was as if my motherly instincts kicked in and I just knew what to do. He's so beautiful, he had my eyes but everything else was off Reed's. I giggled sofly when he tried to touch my nose. I looked up and saw Reed looking lovingly done at us.

"He looks just like you" I whispered when I saw his eyes started closing and hid crying stopped. He just needed to be rocked alittle. He clasp into my pinky finger and tears welled up in my eyes. I laughed sofly looking done at my son with tears flowing.

I felt Reed brush away my tears and I looked up at him.

"He's so tiny" I whispered as I watched our baby lovingly.

"I know, I love you so much princess, you've given me everything I could of asked for." He whispered and kissed my lips sofly.

"How are you feeling" he asked sofly as he took him out of my arms to rest him in the crib next to me. I went to protest but he stopped me.

"The doctor said you need rest and that the baby should rest for a while, he hasn't slept until now, it seems as if he was waiting for his mummy to hold him" he said and kissed his forehead. He'll make such a great dad.

"Ok, wait where's my parents, oh god Reed tell me you called them, if you didn't you're so gonna get it and I don't care if we're in a hospital!" I whispered/yelled at him.

"Really, oh come on you just pushed out another human out of you but you still have life in you to yell at me" he groaned out.

"I'll always have life to yell at you, you know why cause you always do shit" I hissed and crossed my arms over my eyes. Wait ewwwww I am wearing the ugly hospital gown again.

"Urghhhh!!! I am not going to pick a fight with you right now." He groaned out and rubbed his forehead. I just rolled my eyes. I looked at my little boy on the crib. He's so cute.

"By the way, your parents was here, they left like an hour ago since you weren't waking up, and they wanted both of you to get rest, you should off seen your mother she was all emotional and crying and stuff, I just stood awakardly, wait....please don't tell me you're going to be like that, I mean I know you're emotional but that woman was crazy, one minute she was crying, then laughing, then she was hitting your father with her bag and yelling at him, I mean who the hell does that!" He said with a frightened look.

"Are you chickening out now Carter" I teased.

"No I'm not" he glared. I giggled knowing he was terrified off me, no matter what he says he is afraid of me when I get into one of my 'moods'.

"Ok then, well did you come up with a name, you said you wanted to name our first child" I said and fixed myself cause I was receiving some pain in the lower region.

"I actually like liam" he said sofly looking intently at me. I smiled at him.

"I love it,it suits him" I said excitedly. He seemed to be relieved. He probably thought I wouldn't like it.

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