chapter 25

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Kayla's pov.

After walking for a good 45 minutes I gave up.

"Urghhhh Reed stop I can't go no more!" I exclaimed. He turned around and looked at me and looked and looked until he sighed.

" fine" he said and rest his bag on the road, I mean where else would he seeing as ALL I'm seeing is a road and trees there isn't even any cars. I wonder where the hell is Reed taking me.

"Kayla just sit for some time and then we'll go again" when he said that I burst out laughing. He cocked one eyebrow up.

" you're telling me to sit somewhere, are ur eyes not functioning because all see is a road and bush all over!" I exclaimed and then glared at him.

" Oh just shut up kayla, I'm already irritated and tense and I don't need any of your shit right now " he snapped.

" YOU know wat I don't need this right now I just want to go back to my normal life where there was no Reed in it" I snapped back and started walking back with my bag.

I felt a hand go around my wrist and pulled me back. I spun around and saw Reed glaring at me. Now this is the Reed I'm scared of, the one that look at me with so much hatred. I gasp when he squeezed my hand tighter.

"Reed let go" I whispered and closed my eyes because of the pain I was feeling.

" Reed you're hurting me" I whispered and tried wiggling out if his grasp. I looked up into his eyes and when he saw my tears forming he instantly let go and turned around cursed out loud.

" listen you ungrateful brat, the reason we're here is to keep you safe,f the guys have found you so you should be thankful that I'm helping you so for the time being keep your witty comments to yourself " he glared back. I didn't really say anything back like the usually would because I was still shocked that Reed grasp my hand so hard,and he didn't even apologize. I subconsciously held my wrist and then the gasp feeling the stink. I then felt a hand go around my wrist but I didn't look up because I knew who it was because of the tingles that shot up my arm and also because we were the only people here.

I then looked up and saw Reed staring at the bruise that was forming with regret but when he saw I was looking he put on a blank expression. But somehow knowing that Reed didn't say sorry but still showed that emotion brought a very warm feeling inside of me and I don't like that feeling but at the same time I do, is that........ok?

I saw Reed go into his bag and pulled out a balm and he handed it to me. I saw it was an ointment for brusies and to relieve pain. I applied it and gave him it back to him still not talking to each other. I then got up with my bags and told reed lets go. We walked for about 10 more minutes and then I saw Reed walking towards the bushes and he then entered through the bushes and I followed suite but then all of a sudden-


A branch came out of no where and bit me on my forehead. Ouch. I looked at Reed ready to yell at him for not warning me about the branches but he then gave me a look that saie ' don't even start'. I just huffed and continued walking but then another branch hit me again. What. the. hell. I gave Reed my deadliest glare and he just smirked, he looked like he is enjoying this more than he should. Now I'm gonna have swollen feet, a swollen forehead and a swollen cheek. How wonderful. I thought and rolled my eyes. Then in front of my eyes appeared a large gate my eyes were as wide as saucers. I looked at Reed to see him smirking at me and then he typed in something and pressed a numb and the large gates opened but then I was greeted by two black walls huhhhhh...... I looked up and up and up and then I finally saw two bald headed men and now my jaw hit the floor, they looked pretty scary how they were looking at me so I kinda scooted a little closer to Reed.

" who are you" one of the scary dudes roughly asked. I nearly shit my pants.

"" I stuttered out what the hell is wrong with me. I felt reed's hands slip around my waist and I immediately blushed and looked down.

" she's with me" he said in a gruff voice. The two men looked at each other then spoke.

" you know the rules Mr.Carter everyone that comes in here has to be searched" search that means they'll have to do what Reed did. No no no they're looking like little creeps.

" oh no you don't " Reed snapped and pulled me closer to his body where my face was now on his chest and I was looking up at him. The guys then went to say something but Reed cut them off.

" listen you.are. not. touching. her!'' He snapped each words dripping with possession. Chills went up my spine hearing him talk with possessisivness for me. I looked up at him and saw him glare at the two guys with so much anger I can't even describe, I touched his cheek with the palm of my hand to get his attention to me. His body instantly relaxed when he stared at me and he linked his fingers with mine and pulled me through the gate and the guys just sighed and said that go ahead but they'll have a word with their boss. Reed just flipped then off. When I finally took me in my surroundings it looked like rich area a really rich area, it had everything in this gated community from groceries to bars to little stores which I know for sure I'll be checking out and, diners, it was like a mini city it was really cool, but Reed walked down to the far secluded end and then walked into the bushes AGAIN! But this time it was not a branch in my way it was a cottage house with a porch and everything. Awwwww I love these kind of houses its so cuteeeee. I looked at Reed ready to squel but he held up his finger.

" not now " he said and I pouted.

And out of the corner of my eyes I saw the front door open and a tall buff gut came out eating a poptart. I saw Reed cross his arms across his chest and looked at the guy questioningly,the guy had the the poptart a few centimeters away from his mouth, he then looked at it and put it behind his back and chuckled nervously. I looked between them and decided to break the ice. I walked up the steps and stood in front of the guy.

" Hi my name is kayla" I said cheerfully. The guy cringed at my loudness but still smile and stuck out his hand.

" I'm Chris" he replied and then smiled. Ohhhhh he has got lovely teeth but not as nice as Reed urghhhh there I go again with the comparing every guy I see with him.

I nodded and walked into the house ohhhhh its cosy and homey. I walked back out to see Reed in the same position as I left him.

" Reed bring my bag I'm going for a shower and I need to get out of these hufeoys clothes...... Oh and be careful with my bag I don't wanna see a scratch I love that bag" I said well more like ordered and walked back in but I popped my head back out.

" oh and Reed stop scaring the guy he looks like be wants to pee himself....and Chris you can eat your poptart." I said and gave Reed a look that said get your butt inside now...after a couple of seconds he sighed picked up our bags and walked in, hmmmm...who would've thought that the bad boy would listen to me. Me of all people. before I closed the door I heard Chris whisper whipped. I smirked alittle and went inside to see Reed dropping the bags to the floor I immediately rushed and picked up my baby and glared at him, I then asked for the bathroom and he showed me where but before I entered the bathroom I yelled out

" you have some explaining to do Mr.!"

" yeah yeah " I heard him yell back.

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