chapter 30

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The next morning.

"Reed stop it or I'll burn the food" I said and giggled when i felt him kiss my shoulder again. Urghhhh he should know by now that I'm really ticklish. He kissed the side of my head as he continued to hug me from behind. I fipped the pancakes and when it was done I placed it into the plate next to the stove.

"You know you're like really really short." Reed said into my ear. Of course he thinks so, he's usually going after tall sexy models with.
I spun around and slapped his arm with the spatula, making him hiss, shit I forgot it was hot.

"Oops sorry, but anyway I'm sorry I'm not as tall as those fake tall blonds you used to be with!" I narrowed my eyes at him and placed one hand on my hip while I glared up at him.

"God woman, I didn't mean it like that, and, I find your shortness very adorable." He said and tapped my nose. I scrunched it up at him and shoved his plate in front of him.

We both sat down and ate our breakfast in silence.

"Mhmmmh god how I missed a good home cooked meal." He said and moaned when he took a bite of the pancakes with syrup on it. I smiled and looked at him eat. He looked like a little kid shoving all the food into his mouth greedily. He grinned and licked the side of his mouth where the syrup was and then continued eating. I smiled and thought about how he was just a little kid who wanted to be cared for. Reed can proberly fool all those people out there but he can't fool me, I know all he wants is someone to call his, i know he proberly shows it in the wrong way by yelling at me for talking to others guys and what not but I know he means well.

I didn't know I was caressing his cheek until I felt him lean into my touch.

"Whats wrong, why do you have that sad smile on your face." He asked sofly and and stroked my cheek with his fist. I pulled away and kissed his fist.

"Nothing I was just looking at my boyfriend eat, is that a problem." I asked him and playfully glared at him.

He didn't get to reply as I saw Ryan walk in with a very nervous kat.

"Hey, ummm......I gonna have to leave for a while and I'm taking her with me." Ryan said and pointed at kat. I saw kat flinch when he said her distastfully. Kat looked at me and smiled.

"No prob, its not like you were doing anything useful anyway." Reed said harshly and continued eating. I just saw Ryan role his eyes and went to leave but Trevor walked in.

"Where are you two going." Trevor asked. Ryan looked away as kat spoke.

"We ummm.... have some business to take care off." She said softly.

"Oh can I come." Trevor said enthusiastically.

"No." Ryan replied firmly.

"Whatever just take me out of here, its pretty boring, I'm sorry kayla but if you need my help call me cause I can't stay here any longer." He said and looked at me apologetically.

"It's okay." I replied and took my plate and Reed's since we were both done and started washing them.

"Are you gonna be okay alone with him." Ryan said. I turned around to see Reed out of his seat glaring at Ryan.

"I'll be fine Ryan, and Reed sit back down, right now." I said and smiled sofly at Ryan.

After a couple minutes they all left,and Reed and I were walking back to my room.

"Come on we could watch a movie." I said and tugged his hand pulling him as I walked. I felt him take his hand back. I slowed down my steps and turned around.

The bad boy trained me to fight (*Completed*)Where stories live. Discover now