chapter 16

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Boom,boom two gunshots were heard when we entered an old run down building and i jumped and scooted alittle closer to reed but not too much to make it look obvious. God this place gave me the creeps. As we were walking i heard something rattling underneath a piece of old wood.

"aaaaaaah" i screamed when a rat jumped out.

"what the hell anderson" reed whispered yelled

"there was a rat ewwwww how old is this place" i asked and looked around in disgust. The four other men behind us snickered but reed glared at them.

"Anderson do you have a death wish or something get your head in the game cause one wrong mood and your out so focus and be alittle mature for once" reed snapped

i just pouted and threw my hair over one shoulder and raised my chin high and walked in front of him but when i saw the dark hallway i stopped and turned around and cleared my throat.

"um... you should go first since you know...... you know the way and everything" i said trying not to sound scared. reed just smirked and walked ahead i just walked behind him like a lost puppy and peeked over his shoulder once in a while.

" we told you to give us our money but you didnt listen so you're gonna have to pay" we heard a scary ruff voice said reed immediately went to attack mode and grabbed me by my elbow and pulled me to a secluded area but we could now see the men they we scary looking with a few gold teeth here and there and alot of piercings and tatooes. reed's body towered over mine as one of his hands was clamped over my mouth i just stared at him as he carefully watched them and furrowned his eyebrows in concentration and how his body stood protectively over mine he brought his eyes to mine and stared alittle and then mouthed ready i just nodded and he gave a head signal to the other guys who were also hiding and suddenly we were all walking to the direction off the men but i was walking scaredly behind reed.

"drop your guns hunter " reed said and pointed his gun at him(hunter).

"oh my reed carter and his possy what a pleasure to have you here tell me would you like a drink." hunter said and sat on a chair.

"sir what do we do with him" another man asked hunter who i guess is their boss.

" oh trey dont you see we have guess i dont really wanna get my hands dirty why don't you take care off him" hunter said

the man just took his gun and shot the already beaten man blood shot out and scattered all over the floor. my hands started to shook vigorously and i gripped the back of reed's shirt as a gasp past from my mouth.

"ooooooo and who do we have here" hunter said now noticing me since my tiny body was covered by reed and he started walking towards me reed's body stiffened and he stretched out his shoulders in a threatning way. oh god what do i do what do i do, well i did the first thing my instincts told me and i stepped out from behind reed straightened my shoulders and crossed my arms over my chest remembering reed say never show the enemy if you are scared even if you care cause that'll just strengten them.

" my my what a beauty" hunter said and raked his eyes over my body, i really should have listened to reed whe he told me to change but noooooo i just had to be my stubborn self.

" sorry i can't say the same about you though" i said and smirked reed eyes caught mine and i saw his lips twitched up alittle.

"oh fiesty were did you get this one reed strip club tell me which one cause i'd love to recieve some her service" within a second reed hand one hand around his neck and the other held the gun on the side of his head.

"never and when i say never i mean ever talk about her like that you understand" reed growled and i saw his finger going closer the trigger and i guess hunter's men saw to cause they all clicked and raised their big gunny looking thing.

"guys guys put the gun down and reed you to" he said rather seriously but a hint of playfullness was there.

"now what was i doing oh yeah introducing myself to this beautiful lady" he smirked and pushed reed out of the way knowing it will piss him off and it did he glared at hunter and when the four guys were going at hunter reed stopped them and looked at me almost as if he was testing me well he's in for alot.

" well hi i'm hunter cam and you might be" he said and smiled flirtiously at me.

" kayla anderson" i said and smiled at him the same way he did to me and hunter grinned happy that i was flirting back ha this guy makes me want to puke. reed just stared at me wide wided and glared alittle.

"it's a pleasure" hunter said and grabbed my hand and kissed it ewwwwwwwww. thank god i walked with hand sanitizer.

i took the bottle from my back pocket and held it in front of his face and squeezed it on the part he kissed and rubbed it on my hand. he glared at me.

"oh i forgot something never invade in my personal space ever i hate when people do that" and with that i kneed him where the sun doesnt shine and he dropped to the ground craddling his injured part. reed smiled at me and then took over and fought everyone in the room with the help off the other guys after fighting most were knocked out and some were tied up especially hunter. reed had a few cuts here and there it looked like it hurt really bad the other guys had some as well. reed then took out a cheap phone. i lloked at him confused.

" yeah i'm calling to report some girls being kidnapped and i just saw them on 22nd street in main road gardens no i'll like to remain anonomous yeah please hurry ok yeah your welcome" reed then hanged up the phone took out the sim and broke it and flinged it in the air. reed looked at me and smiled.

"you did well kayla" he said and i smiled

"thanks i used your advise and did not let them know i was scared" i said and looked out the window and sighed since we were in the car already. two of the guys high fived me and told me i nailed it i the other two were driving behind us we just laughed talked about how i hit the guy where the sun doesn't shine until i heard a hiss from the side of me and i turned around to see reed holding his jaw.

"here let me see" i said and shifted in my seat so i could see him. he just shook his head no.

"come on reed let me clean it in case it's infected please trust me i know what i'm doing i do want to get into this field you know" giving him my puppy face which all ways works and it did he sighed and nodded.

i held his chin and i saw him flinched as well as his body stiffened i ran my finger across his bruise and i saw him fist his hands and intake a large breath i suddenly felt my heart beat increased as reed's hand held one of my hand, with his eyes close i took one off the wipes i brought in my bag that i left in the car and cleaned the blood off, i then took one off mt tissue and squeezed some hand sanitizer on it since it was the only alcohol sudstance i found and i wiped the bruise reed stiffened more but opened his eyes when i blew onto the bruise to ease the stinging feeling he looked at me intently i could feel his eyes on me when i was down i looked up to find myself closer than i was to reed before i was now directly in front of his face our nose touching.

"thanks" he whispered his minty breath fanning my face

"your welcome" i whispered back and then we went over a bump which caused our foreheads to hit each other thank god it was only the foreheads.

"you okay" i nodded rubbing my forehead damn he got one hard forehead.

"john watch where you're going" reed snapped at john.

"sorry" he replied but i saw a smirk when he looked at the guy in the passenger seat and i knew they saw what was going on in the back here i blushed and took my hand away from reed's and looked outside the window and rest my head on it and i surprisingly was smiling at how reed and i happen to get ourself in intimate situations like that all the time and at the corner of my eyes i saw reed doing the same thing smiling and looking outside and just when i saw reed's head turning in my direction i turned watching outside knowing reed was looking at me and smiling and i turned around to look at him i dont really know why though and i saw him turning his head quickly almost afraid to be caught staring at me i just smiled widely thinking off how childish we were being continued to look outside.

what a day,what a day.

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