chapter 20

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Reed's pov.

why the fu*k was he even here and that too so close to kayla but who am I kidding she looked like she was freaking enjoying my brother's hands all over her body,his hands weren't exactly everywhere but it was still there and I hate people freaking touching what's mine. kayla needs to understand that I hate sharing and I'll make her understand that's she's mine no matter what. God she's so beautiful'her eyes,her cute nose,the way her forehead creases when she's thinking,her lips and god that cute little ass of hers and might I add I see other guys looking at, I just want to pull out my gun and shoot them, I hate it when guys freaking eye rape her and she's well let's just say kayla is not the type that notices bad things,she thinks everyone is just kind and loving, psst,yeah right she still needs to learn a lot for ab adult. I want to make kayla mine so bad but I can't because I'm not in her oh so liking list but I'm sure I am in the hating one though but who would blame her I always hurt her saying mean things,I still remember the day when I told her that l hated to spend time with her, which is not true I love to but I can't get to close to her even if I want to I just can't but I could still make her stop hating me , and then there'll be no more tears in her beautiful blue eyes that always sparkles when she's happy. That part always makes me weak when her eyes sparkles and I hope that no other man has the same thoughts I have about her because I'll freaking kill him.

kayla deserves so mucj more than the ain I cause her that's why I'm gfonna take her to my specal place after the diner that place always relaxes me and I feel free, I can be myself there but no one knows that place but me but kayla would too after tonight, there I'm gonna show her that I truly am sorry and let her know that no man can ever touch her. ever.

''um....reed I'm done are u ready '' I heard her sweet voice shyly asked and looked up at me with her bright blue eyes that I always seem to get peace in.

''yeah princess let's go I wanna take you somewhere'' I remarked and stop up after paying for our meal. she hesitantly stood up and brushed down her blue dress without any straps or anything how can the dress stay up then wait what am I even saying I'm turning into a girl. she looked beautiful and that comes from a guy that never ever caled a girl that except for hot and sexy.

''really where'' she exclaimed like a child and twist the ends off her hair something I noticed she does when she's overly excited.

''you'll see princess'' I said amd smirked knowing she hates surprises.

''urghhhhhhh no no no I wanna know now I hate surprises please tell me'' she said and poutef her full pink kissible lips, ughhhhh how can I not give into that. I just looked away well aware that if I looked at her for one more second I'll give in, so I walked back to the car since we were outside already shaking my head telling her no again and when I went to open the door I looked at her to see her glaring daggers at me and her stompped her foot and walked to the car and sat down, crossed her arms with a huff and looked out the glass.

I chuckled and started the car god this woman will kill me with her cuteness, I could already feel that she got me wrapped around her finger and I have no problem with that

Ms.Anderson prepare to be amaze........


I know it's short but please bear with me and telk me what u think.

ohhhhhhhh he finally admits he likes her. so guys it's romance time as well as jealousy time but only for reed.

love always,


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